“Tanner was a wonderful dog and integral part of our family. Over the last few years we have made many happy memories with our little man and we will always cherish our time with him.” – Shauna and Mavreen
Tanner was the sweetest boy on the west coast. A little shy at first, it didn’t take long for him to completely charm whoever he happened to be meeting. He stole many hearts along the way. With a troubled start, Tanner was one of the lucky ones and was rescued by animal lovers Shauna and Mavreen. Thanks to them he got to live out his days in the lap of luxury. Spoiled rotten by his two ‘moms’, Tanner was taken on many hikes through the beautiful BC forests and smothered with kisses when they snuggled in back at home. With his soulful eyes and thumping tail, his endearing personality is etched into our memories. Rest in peace sweet Tanner.
A donation was made by Melissa McClelland in memorial of Shauna and Mavreen’s dog Tanner, who sadly passed earlier this year.