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Membership Drive

Here I go…

Janine Stoll, Lisa Winn and Melissa McClelland

A contribution from Ladybird co-founder Melissa McClelland.

Here I go, starting a charity with my two best friends. There have been days when I’ve thought that I’m completely crazy for doing this. Way in over my head. Is this service even needed? It doesn’t take more then a few seconds to remind myself with a resounding YES. We took a trip to Hamilton Animal Control the other day where Kim is going to help us with adopting out animals. She is overwhelmed over there, with a stream of cats coming in that doesn’t seem to end. Their time there is brief & cage space is limited. If there are no adoptions, then euthanasia is the only option. Most cats don’t last more then 3 or 4 days. Thousands of cats, kittens, healthy & sick are put down each year. Dogs have it a bit better, but the stress of being in the shelter is visible as you walk by each cage. If a dog is not constantly barking then it is shaking uncontrollably. Kim is working overtime to make the lives of these animals a little bit better, along with other rescue groups in the area. She’s not just improving their lives, but out right saving them. But more help is needed. I feel determined to be a part of the solution to the ever evolving problem of unwanted animals.

Lisa, Janine & myself have decided to get our voices out there & start building momentum at the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. And yes, we’re starting small – Oliver is our first little furry guy! A wonderful & affectionate cat, he is leading the way for the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. Once we are successful in finding him a home then we know we can do this! The three of us have been working hard, admittedly learning the ropes as we go. I’ve been in the recording studio for ten hour days & between vocal takes I’m filling out the charitable status application or tweaking the website or sending out desperate e-mails to friends to help out with fostering. There’s no turning back now, we are committed to our cause & ready to leap over any hurdles along the way. The adventure begins & no two better girls to be doing this with. oh & one little guy. Oliver, lead the way!

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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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