Rescued from Hamilton Animal Control, siblings Bagheera, Gordie and Nugget spend a short time in foster care to get over the upper respiratory virus they contracted from the shelter. As soon as they were feeling better, they were quickly scooped up and adopted into wonderful homes!
UPDATE – December 10th, 2011
Hey Ladies,
So little Nugget here is now going by the name Francis Oliver… or Ollie for short. He’s doing well. Growing fast. Waking me up a 7 am every day climbing on to my face to cuddle, not the worst way to get woken up though. Henry is quite fond of him. He wants to come to my place to play with him whenever he can, they’re a pretty cute pair as I’m sure you can imagine. His favorite spot to hang out is on this shelf behind all the books. He’s got a little bed back there and everything, although I doubt he’ll fit much longer. He’s an awesome little dude. Thank you so much.
– Darcie