* Ekans found his forever home with wonderful people! Yay! *
Ekans was abandoned in a student residence. Thankfully he was found and brought to Hamilton Animal Services. HAS reached out to us for help, and thankfully we had a foster home open who has experience with snakes.
He had a health check at the vet, and despite being a bit thin, he’s in good shape.
Ekans is now ready to find his forever home! He needs an enclosure that is no less than 70 gallons.Corn snakes enjoy climbing so a taller enclosure with climbing logs and decorations would be beneficial.
Here’s a note from Ekans’ foster dad:
“Ekans is definitely a joy to care for. He doesn’t mind being handled and is definitely very active and curious. He loves to explore and climb all over his enclosure so providing enrichment is a must. However this also means that he will definitely try to escape to explore if given the opportunity so a secure lid would be be worth the peace of mind. All that aside he is probably to best behaved snake I have ever had the joy of caring for, and I’m very glad Ladybird gave him a chance.”
Check out this care sheet for corn snakes by Ontario Reptile Rescue.