Wembley, his four siblings and mother Wendy came into Hamilton Animal Control as strays. The Ladybird Animal Sanctuary rescued them from an uncertain fate, and placed them into a foster home. They had contracted an upper respiratory virus at the shelter they came from, but they recovered completely. After spending several months in foster care, Wembley was adopted. More than a year later, he is having to be returned to Ladybird as he is giving the other senior cat in the home a hard time…enough so that the other cat has stopped eating and retreated to a spare room. For this reason, Wembley would do best in a home with younger cats, or no other cats.
Here’s a note from Wembley’s first adopter:
“He loves playing with toys (anything he can stalk and chase/pounce). Rubbing his ears makes you his friend forever. He likes lots and lots of petting, sleeping in soft chairs/cushions, looking at the wildlife through the windows, and people (including kids). He has been good around calm, respectful dogs who have visited our home. He’s a big, playful boy who is sweet, and super affectionate. He really loves and seeks affection from everyone.”
Wembley has been adopted, and was re-united with his sister Willow in his forever home! Yay!