Pet Pics with Santa Paws Update
To access photos, click on the gallery below based on the day you came to participate.
Ladybird is looking forward to one of our favourite fundraising events and popular holiday traditions; Pet Pics with Santa Paws (previously Father Christmas)! This year, Clifford Brewing Co. in Hamilton has generously offered to host our event. We hope to see you and your furry pals this holiday season!
Sessions are $25 each per pose/image. You’ll receive a digital photo sent over email from your session. Please allow our photographer at least 2 weeks from time of session for editing purposes.
Friday November 10th – 4pm to 8pm (photos by Michelle Ward)
Saturday November 11th – noon to 5pm (photos by Erin Girard)
Sunday November 12th – noon to 5pm (photos by Fetching Studios)
*No pre-booked sessions necessary. First come, first served.
* Photos sessions are with pets only. Sorry, no humans.
Please only participate if your pet is comfortable being around dogs, people, or other animals. Dogs must remain on leash at all times while on site. Cats and other animals must be crated or harnessed before/after sessions. If you think this atmosphere may be stressful for your pet, this event may not be the right fit.
Rainbow Dogs – A vegan business specializing in bringing plant based hot dogs into the street meat world
Ladybird Animal Sanctuary – Merch and gift items that help directly benefit the rescue animals of Ladybird
Glancaster Green Farm – Small scale farm in Hamilton that grows flowers and seedlings.
Brew’ed Biscuits – 100% natural healthy dog treats made in Ontario with simple local farm ingredients + saved grains from craft beer brewing.
Crasharoo Studios – Original creations by artist Joanne Ellen Patak
Kitchen Cat Textiles (Friday and Saturday only) – Fun textiles for your kitchen… and your cats!