* Miles found his forever home with lovely people! *
Ladybird originally rescued Miles back in 2013, and he was quickly adopted. Fast forward to the end of 2017, when we received a call from Hamilton Animal Control saying that Miles had come into the shelter as a stray. Ladybird was still listed as a contact through Miles’ microchip.
Miles was a mess. He was infested with fleas, covered in scabs from head to toe and his fur was in horrible shape. He was suffering from an upper respiratory virus and he was dehydrated. His teeth were also in very bad shape. Miles spent a couple of days at the vet where he was shaved down and put on medication to help alleviate his discomfort.
We contacted Miles’ adopter, only to find out they had re-homed him to a friend some time ago.
We transferred Miles to our own vet where he had a check-up and a blood test. We came to learn that in his last two homes, Miles had been allowed outdoors to wander the neighbourhood, so it was not surprising that Miles’ blood tests came back positive for FIV.
Miles went in for surgery to remove his rotten teeth, and once they got him under anesthetic, it was discovered that his mouth was so infected that all his teeth needed to be removed. Poor guy must have been in pain for quite some time.
The scabs on Miles’ skin were likely a combination of the flea infestation and either a food or environmental allergy, so our vets started him on a hypoallergenic diet, which has helped him significantly.
Since being in his foster home, Miles has made a great recovery and he has adjusted well to being an indoor cat. And he’s doing well as a toothless kitty too!
After all he’s been through, Miles needs a special person who will look past his FIV diagnoses and his gummy smile, and give him a loving forever home where he can live safely indoors.
Here’s a note from Miles’ foster home:
“Miles came to us as a hairless, toothless , sneezing mess. Now that his hair is growing back and his sneezing and drooling is under control (mostly), it’s not hard to fall in love with him.
He was very itchy when he first arrived, and loved being vigorously scratched. This has not changed, even now he is feeling better. He will demand scratches and not let you stop until he is happy.
He is not a lap cat, and doesn’t necessarily like being picked up, but he will come over when he wants a scratch. Which is pretty much all the time.
Miles loves his pop up tunnel, probably because he feels safe. He will dive into it after a particularly exciting adventure. Its cute to see him scoping out the room from the safety of his tunnel.
He loves sleeping close to people, and will usually sleep on the back of the couch, right in the middle. He spends most of his days napping and watching the fish tanks.
He also, oddly enough, only wants to drink out of mugs. Which means he got his own personal Ladybird mug!
Miles had a hard go for awhile, so it is lovely to see how he trusts us and still wants to be close to people. He definitely deserves a loving home!”
Please adopt Miles!
Here’s Miles in his forever home! Yay!