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Ladybird COVID-19 Response

The world is experiencing an ever-evolving global crisis at this time, and as an animal rescue charity, Ladybird is concerned about what this will mean for at-risk animals in our community and beyond. Ladybird has many animals currently in our care – both foster animals and permanent residents – who will require ongoing support during these uncertain days. In addition, with growing financial concerns, and with health and wellness of the human population at risk, we anticipate that animal shelters will see a tragic influx of strays or surrendered animals who can no longer be cared for by their owners….   read more >>



* Ravi found his forever home with awesome people! * Ravi arrived at Hamilton Animal Services as a stray, but despite his extreme handsomeness and sweet nature, no owner came forward to claim him. We were happy spring Ravi from the shelter when a foster home opened up, and we sent him straight to the vet for a health check. Ravi ended up pretty sick from an upper respiratory virus, but he was able to be neutered a couple of weeks later. Shortly after his surgery, Ravi developed crystals. A run of medication and a special diet have done the…   read more >>



Mable ended up at Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. She arrived at the shelter with a skin infection, rotten teeth and eye issues. We rescued Mable from HAS and took her straight to the vet. She was put on medication for her skin, drops for her eyes, and started on a special diet. When she was finally ready, we got her the dental surgery she so desperately needed. Mabel spent some time healing in her foster home, and she didn’t have to go far to find her forever home because her foster family adopted her! Yay! Congrats Mabel!


COVID-19 UPDATE – October 7, 2020 Dear Soiree Guests, We’re announcing today that, sadly, we will be unable to safely move forward with the 2020 Ladybird Soiree, which had been postponed to 2022. At this point, selecting an alternate date for our Soiree is unrealistic as we are still navigating this COVID-19 crisis and we don’t know what the future holds. Our hope, though, is that we will be able to host this amazing event in 2022 and connect with the Ladybird community again in person. WHAT ABOUT MY SOIREE TICKET? We truly appreciate all of our sponsors, supporters and…   read more >>


* Ellen and Portia found their forever home with lovely people! * Ellen and Portia arrived at Hamilton Animal Services as strays and were not claimed by their owner. We’re not sure if Ellen and Portia are related, but they seem to be the same age, and they like each other! During their time at the shelter, they were always found curled up with each other on their bed. They were spayed on their rescue day, and now that they’re healed from their surgeries, Ellen and Portia are ready to find their forever home! We’re asking that Ellen and Portia be…   read more >>


* Ellen and Portia found their forever home with lovely people! * Ellen and Portia arrived at Hamilton Animal Services as strays and were not claimed by their owner. We’re not sure if Ellen and Portia are related, but they seem to be the same age, and they like each other! During their time at the shelter, they were always found curled up with each other on their bed. They were spayed on their rescue day, and now that they’re healed from their surgeries, Ellen and Portia are ready to find their forever home! We’re asking that Ellen and Portia be…   read more >>


Xena rescue day

* Lottie and Xena found their forever home together with wonderful people! Yay! * Xena and Zack (and several other rats) ended up at Lincoln County Humane Society when their owner passed away. We were happy to get them out of the shelter when a foster home opened up. Xena had a checkup at the vet and she’s in great health. A couple of months before Xena’s arrival, we had rescued another single rat named Lottie. Because rats do better in pairs or groups, we decided to try to introduce Lottie to Xena in hopes that they could live together….   read more >>


Dorothy @ foster

Sadly, after two months in foster care, Dorothy’s health took a turn for the worse. Blood tests and xrays at the vet showed many concerns, the biggest of which was Dorothy’s heart. Because of her advanced age, and pre-existing health issues, the chance of Dorothy recovering was slim. The last thing we wanted was for Dorothy to suffer, so after a discussion with her foster family, it was decided the best thing for Dorothy would be to let her go. We’re devastated, but also thankful that Dorothy got to spend her last months surrounded by love. Sleep well, Dorothy. We’ll…   read more >>



* Kiwi has been adopted by her foster family! Yay! * Kiwi was found as a stray and brought to Hamilton Animal Services. It’s more likely that she was abandoned outdoors by her owners, rather than being a true “stray” animal. Kiwi has urine staining on her feet and underside, which indicates she was left to stand in a dirty cage before she ended up outdoors. Thankfully, she’s otherwise healthy and in overall good shape. Kiwi is now at the vet to be spayed, and then she’ll be transferred to her foster home where we can get to know her…   read more >>

Greta T

Greta T

* Greta T found her forever home with lovely people! Yay! * Hamilton Animal Services responded to a call regarding an injured kitten in Hamilton. They found sweet Greta T, not putting any weight on her front leg. They took her to the vet where an xray showed the leg was broken. HAS reached out to us for help, and we were happy to take this pretty little kitty into our care. Greta T spent a bit of time at the vet where her leg was splinted and she had some cage rest to help her heal. She was then…   read more >>

Veggie Fest 2020

We are super sad to learn that in light of the current COVID crisis, Veggie Fest will not be happening this year. We totally understand the organizers’ decision to cancel, and we hope they will be able to hold Veggie Fest next year so we can be part of this amazing event again.  We look forward to stuffing our faces with all the incredible vegan food and buy all the vegan products again next year! Until next time, Veggie Fest!       Ladybird will once again be participating in one of our favourite local events. Come swing by our table, ask…   read more >>


Honey - photo by Willow Bean Photography

* Honey found her forever home with wonderful people! Yippee!! * Honey (and several other dogs) were surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services when their owner could no longer look after them. Honey gave birth on June 2nd at HAS. Thankfully we found a foster home for the wee family, and we rescued them from HAS a week later. Honey and her foster family did a fantastic job raising the puppies, Rosebud, Clover, Buttercup, Pansy and Poppy, and they’ve all since been adopted. Now it’s Honey’s turn! Honey is a sweet and gentle girl. As you can see in the photos,…   read more >>

Floyd Meoweather

Floyd adopted

* Floyd Meoweather  found his forever home with his foster family! Yay! * Floyd Meoweather came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. He was not neutered, had some open wounds, and his one ear is crinkled. He was sweet and friendly with all the staff at the shelter though. A lovely boy! A SNAP test determined that Floyd is FIV positive. Not great news, but certainly not the end of the world! When nobody came forward to claim Floyd, we rescued him from HAS and got him straight to the vet. Dr. Stubbs at Spencer Creek Animal Hospital gave Floyd…   read more >>


* Hannah found her forever home with wonderful people! * You can follow Hannah’s adventures in her new home on Instagram by following @harley_thehuskymix  Hannah (and several other dogs, including Honey) were surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services when their owner became homeless. When they first arrived, the dogs were in rough shape. They had fleas and other various issues. Hannah gave birth in the shelter, but her puppies were not fully formed and they unfortunately didn’t make it. Before Hannah’s scheduled rescue day, the shelter contacted us to let us know that Hannah wasn’t doing well. She was lethargic, vomiting,…   read more >>

Happy New Year!


2019 was another wonderful year of helping animals for Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. We rescued 139 animals this year, bringing our grand total to 1,118 animals since our humble beginnings at the end of 2010. We couldn’t do any of this without your generosity, encouragement, and the many, many ways you help us do what we do. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to rescue and rehabilitate homeless animals, and find them forever homes. This video is 2019 rescue highlights, featuring an animal from each month of this past year, shown in the month they were…   read more >>

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter rescue day

January 26th, 2020 We are devastated to bring you this news. We had to let our sweet Peanut Butter go. Yesterday, we picked her up from OVC and she went back to her foster home. Shortly before she left the clinic, the vet gave her a shot of slow release pain meds, and they sent her home with more pain medication to try to keep her comfortable. Throughout the night, it was obvious the medications weren’t working. Peanut Butter didn’t want to stand or be picked up, and any movement made her yelp out in pain. She was urinating and…   read more >>


* Wednesday found her forever home with awesome people! * Wednesday ended up at Hamilton Animal Services after being trapped by a homeowner. She was so scared when she arrived that she would flatten herself to the bottom of the cage in an attempt to make herself invisible. Poor girl. It didn’t take staff long to realize that Wednesday was actually a very sweet cat. She loved being held and would purr and bonk. She was just terrified of her surroundings. We were thankful for an open foster home so we could get little Wednesday out of the shelter and…   read more >>



We’re sad to report that Scratchy passed away suddenly in his foster home. We’re not sure what happened, but his foster family came home to find him passed in his cage. Our hearts are broken for his foster family, and his brother Itchy, who is certainly missing his companion. Rest in peace, Scratchy. We’ll never forget your sweet face.       Windsor Humane Society reached out for help when they received an overwhelming number of guinea pigs. We were happy to assist and we took in Itchy and Scratchy. They were surrendered to the shelter because their owner no…   read more >>



* Lottie and Xena found their forever home together with wonderful people! Yay! * Lottie was found as a stray and brought to Hamilton Animal Services. She was in rough shape when she arrived. Respiratory issues, mangy fur, scabby skin, and she was having trouble eating and drinking. We sent Lottie to Dr. Stubbs at Spencer Creek Animal Hospital where she had a check up and had her teeth trimmed. She’s feeling much better now after spending some healing time in her foster home. After being in our care for a few months, we rescued another single rat named Xena. Because…   read more >>


Piper @ foster

* Piper has been adopted by her foster family! Yay! * Piper was brought into Hamilton Animal Services after possibly being hit by a car. She was not walking or moving around, so HAS staff knew she had a serious injury. Xrays showed that Piper had a broken pelvis. HAS staff reached out to us for help, and we were happy to get this sweet girl out of the shelter and into the vet for cage rest and pain medication. Piper did some cage rest time at the vet, and then she was transferred to her foster home. She did…   read more >>

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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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