
* Liona found her forever home with lovely people! * We rescued Liona and Boyd from Hamilton Animal Services. They came in together as strays. We’re not sure if they were abandoned by their owner, or if they truly did wander away from home, but nobody came forward looking for them. When they got to HAS, both cats were covered in fleas, and Boyd’s fur was extremely matted. Shelter staff shaved Boyd down to make him more comfortable. When staff checked his blood levels, they discovered Boyd was diabetic, so they started him on insulin. After being in their foster… read more >>
Butter Bean

* Belinda, Blossom and Butter Bean found their forever home with a wonderful family! * Belinda came into our care with two other guinea pigs, one of which was a male. We separated the boy from the girls, but clearly it was too late. On September 24th, 2018, Belinda gave birth to Bo, Blueberry and Butter Bean. When the babies were three weeks old, we got vet confirmation of their genders, and during the next week, we introduced Bob to Bo and Blueberry several times to see if they would be able to live together. Introductions went great, and now Bob, Blueberry and Bo… read more >>

* Bo and Blueberry found their forever home with the awesome folks at The Pipsqueakery! Yay! * Bo, Blueberry and Butter Bean were born to mama Belinda on September 24th, 2018. Blueberry and Butter Bean are perfect little pigs, but Bo is suffering from a condition called Fatal White Syndrome. He is blind, deaf, and does not have the usual number of teeth that other guinea pigs have. These, as well as possible gastro/intestinal issues are all symptoms of Fatal White Syndrome. Bo saw a small animal specialized vet early on who confirmed this diagnoses. A lot of Fatal White guinea pigs pass… read more >>

* Bo and Blueberry found their forever home with the awesome folks at The Pipsqueakery! Yay! * Bo, Blueberry and Butter Bean were born to mama Belinda on September 24th, 2018. Blueberry and Butter Bean are perfect little pigs, but Bo is suffering from a condition called Fatal White Syndrome. He is blind, deaf, and does not have the usual number of teeth that other guinea pigs have. These, as well as possible gastro/intestinal issues are all symptoms of Fatal White Syndrome. Bo saw a small animal specialized vet early on who confirmed this diagnoses. A lot of Fatal White guinea pigs… read more >>

* Luke and Solo were adopted by the most wonderful people! Yay! * Luke and Solo were found as strays and brought into Hamilton Animal Services. They’re shy boys, but they don’t mind being petted and being picked up if you go slowly. Since their rescue, they’ve received all their vaccines and they’ve been neutered. They’re now ready to find their forever home! Luke and Solo’s foster mom is doing a fantastic job of getting Luke and Solo used to being handled. They’ve already come a long way from being the hissy scared kittens we picked up from the shelter!… read more >>

* Luke and Solo were adopted by the most wonderful people! Yay! * Luke and Solo were found as strays and brought into Hamilton Animal Services. They’re shy boys, but they don’t mind being petted and being picked up if you go slowly. Since their rescue, they’ve received all their vaccines and they’ve been neutered. They’re now ready to find their forever home! Luke and Solo’s foster mom is doing a fantastic job of getting Luke and Solo used to being handled. They’ve already come a long way from being the hissy scared kittens we picked up from the shelter!… read more >>

Winona was found outside a building on Hamilton mountain and brought into Hamilton Animal Services. It’s hard to imagine how someone could allow an animal to get to this horrific condition, only to abandon her outdoors to fend for herself. Winona was bone thin, but has many lumps, open sores, overgrown nails, urine scalding, and her genital area was so infected, it was tough to tell what sex she was. All of these issues made walking difficult for her, but she got around by shuffling. We took Winona to the vet and she was started on pain medication, antibiotics and… read more >>

* Leia was adopted by her foster home! Yay! * Leia came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. Her fur was very matted when she arrived. Leia gave birth to one kitten in the shelter shortly after her arrival. Unfortunately, she wasn’t producing enough milk to feed her baby. Shelter staff bottle fed the baby and let Leia care for her and keep her warm in between feedings. Staff members even took the baby home at night and brought her back to the shelter so as not to miss any feedings. Sadly, despite the kind staff’s best efforts, the baby… read more >>

We rescued Loretta from Hamilton Animal Services. She had come into HAS as a stray. Loretta had a microchip, but all the numbers associated to the chip were out of service, and all efforts to find the owners came up as dead ends. When Loretta’s stray time was done, we picked her up and delivered her to her foster home, only to be notified the next day that her owners had come to HAS looking for her. We’re not sure how Loretta became lost, or why her owners waited so long to look for her, or why they hadn’t kept… read more >>
Flamborough Patio – Pop Up Market

Head over to “that place with the dinosaurs” Flamborough Patio, for some fun! Saturday September 29th from 10am until 6pm and Sunday September 30th from 10am until 5pm, you’ll find the Ladybird booth set up amongst the dinosaurs, cows and other giant critters, along with other local rescues, live music, food trucks and local small businesses selling their wares. Hope to see you there! More info at

Rest in peace sweet Gus. We’ll never forget you… We rescued Gus from Hamilton Animal Services where he ended up as a stray. Gus was a little worse for wear when he arrived at HAS. His fur was sparse, he had an upper respiratory virus and he was a bit wobbly on his feet. After some medication, and lots of pats from HAS staff, he started to feel better. On his rescue day, we got Gus to the vet for a check-up. He’s still sneezing a bit, but he has a great appetite and a happy purr. The vet would… read more >>
Woody Harrelson

* Woody Harrelson found his forever home with awesome people! * Woody Harrelson was surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services by his owner because of allergies. This handsome boy is already neutered, litter trained and he’s such a friendly guy! His foster home reports that in the short time he’s been with her, he’s flopping and binky-ing, and being super sweet. He’s a lovely bunny! Woody had a vet appointment and received a clean bill of health. He’s now ready to find his forever home. Here’s a report from Woody’s foster home: “Much like his namesake, Woody Harrelson is a super… read more >>
Music Rescues 2018

Hey Canadian Country Music Awards attendees and Hamilton area residents! Visit Ladybird at the “Music Rescues” event at the CCMA Awards Weekend! Friday September 7th from 9:30am until 11:30am. Sheraton Hotel (East Ballroom) – 116 King Street West, Hamilton Come on out and join the fun and help promote animal rescue. Artist Line up being announced early next week but expect performances by Jess Moskaluke, Madeline Merlo, Bobby Wills, Leaving Thomas, The Dungarees and many more! In support of Ladybird Animal Sanctuary & Team Dog Rescue.

* Parker found his forever home with lovely people! * Parker was brought into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. This poor little guy was suffering from a ruptured eyeball. He’s friendly and purry though, despite how he must have been feeling. On his rescue day, we got Parker to the vet and we were told the eye is beyond repair, so he had surgery to remove it. Parker did great for the surgery, he healed up perfectly in his foster home, and now he’s ready to find his forever home! Because he’s a super playful guy and enjoys the… read more >>

* Moonlight has been adopted by her foster family! Yay! * Moonlight was found as a stray and brought into Hamilton Animal Services. No owner came forward for her, so we were happy to rescue her when a foster home became available. Moonlight is a very friendly kitty. So friendly that she wormed her way into her foster family’s hearts enough for them to want her to stay! Congrats on your forever home Moonlight! We’re so happy for you!
Gonzo’s Guest House Fundraiser

Visit Ladybird at the Gonzo’s Guest House fundraiser! There will be LIVE music, games, raffles, vendors, and FOOD! Bring your family and friends, and take a tour of Gonzo’s facility. Gonzo’s new dog trainer will be available for questions too! All proceeds go to SAGA Humane Society, Ladybird Animal Sanctuary, and Autism Dogs.

* Veronica found her forever home with lovely people! * Veronica was found as a stray and ended up at Toronto Animal Services. She was severely infested with fleas. Shelter staff administered flea treatment and spayed her. Her fur is still recovering from the flea infestation, but she’s feeling, and looking a lot better than when she first arrived at the shelter. We rescued Veronica from TAS and she’s now settling in at her foster home. She had a vet visit and was given a clean bill of health. Veronica is now ready to find her forever home! Here’s a… read more >>
Summer Songs Fundraising Concert 2018

Come join Ladybird and their talented friends raise money to rescue homeless animals in our community, and enjoy a night of stellar music! This year we’re teaming up with Pine Street Studio to present an outdoor garden concert featuring a singer-songwriter in-the-round concert with The Ladybird Sideshow (Melissa McClelland, Janine Stoll and Lisa Winn), Suzie Vinnick and Sarah Beatty. Doors open at 7pm. Showtime at 7:30pm. FACEBOOK EVENT TICKETS Tickets $25 – on sale now! *Please note: Alcohol will not be served or sold at this event, but snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. TICKETS VENUE This year’s… read more >>

* Boots found his forever home with a lovely person! * Boots ended up at Hamilton Animal Services when his owner passed away. As you can see in the video, Boots has deformed front legs, but he gets around just fine. We got Boots the dental surgery he needed, and his legs were x-rayed. Our vets think the leg deformity isn’t an issue now, but he may develop arthritis at some point. Boots definitely needs to lose a few pounds, so he’s on a special weight loss diet now, but not on any medications. Boots would likely do best as… read more >>

* Peanut found her forever home with Sarah McLachlan (!!!) * Wee Peanut was found alone on the street and brought to Hamilton Animal Services. At about four weeks old, she was too young to be away from her mama, and no one is sure how she became separated from her. We were happy to rescue Peanut from HAS and we put her in the very capable hands of Dr. Fleming from Guelph Animal Hospital. Peanut had an off and on upper respiratory virus that she was on medication for, and a few weeks later, she was finally healthy enough… read more >>