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Berlin @ foster

* Nazareth and Berlin found their forever home with their foster home! Yay! * Nazareth and Berlin came to us all the way from a shelter in Quebec. Big thank you to all the volunteers from Freedom Drivers – Animal Rescue Transport for getting the rats to us from so far away! From what we have learned, Nazareth and Berlin were surrendered by their owner, after they had been used as breeders for snake food.  We’re happy we can now give them the relaxed retirement life they so deserve! At their vet visit, we got a bit of upsetting news…   read more >>

Dog Wash Fundraiser at Pet Valu

Come out to Pet Valu (1550 Upper James Street, Hamilton ON) and pamper your pup on Saturday July 14th, 10am to 3pm. All the proceeds will benefit the animals of Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. Wash – $15.00 Nail Trim – $5.00 Microchipping – $40.00 ($15 from each microchip will be donated back to Ladybird) *No appointments necessary. First come first serve. Registration will close at 2:15pm. A special thanks to Dr. Heather McGowan from Glanbrook Veterinary Clinic who will be donating her time to do nail trims and microchipping, and thanks to Pet Valu Upper James for hosting this event! For…   read more >>



June 29th, 2018 So terribly sad to wake up to the news that Meadow passed away during the night. Despite the vet care and medication, her little body just couldn’t handle all that was happening to it. Thank you to everyone who sent their well wishes and donations. Any items donated will go to the other rabbits in our care, and to future rescued bunnies. Little Meadow, if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. Sleep well little one.   June 27th, 2018 How a tiny baby bunny with a missing foot ends up on the streets…   read more >>

Ren’s Pets Depot Burlington – Adoption Awareness Event

Ren's Adoption Awareness Event

Saturday August 18th Come visit us at Ren’s Pets Depot in Burlington for an adoption awareness event! Ren’s Pets Depot – 2424 Queensway Drive, Burlington. We’ll have a table set up in the store with lots of goodies for you! Come by, say hi, buy some merch and drop a few coins (or some bills!) into our donation box. See you at Ren’s!



* Sabrina and Kelly have been adopted by their foster home! * Sabrina, Jill and Kelly arrived at Hamilton Animal Services as “strays.” We don’t know for sure, but we believe Sabrina is Jill and Kelly’s mom as they are much younger than she is. These sweet girls are very friendly and curious.   They waited many months to find their forever home, and after a lengthy battle with health issues, little Jill passed away. After Jill’s passing, their foster mom couldn’t bear the thought of having to let Sabrina and Kelly go, so she adopted them!   Ladybird recommends Critter…   read more >>



Jill came into Hamilton Animal Services as a “stray,” along with her mother Sabrina and sister Kelly. Four different times, over the course of time that she was waiting for her forever home, Jill developed strange lumps on her head. (August, October and November of 2018, and February 2019) Each time, Dr. Stubbs from Spencer Creek Animal Hospital, skillfully removed the lumps, and Jill would recover quickly. After the third removal, we sent out the tumors for testing, and unfortunately, the results showed they were viral induced sarcomas. Dr. Stubbs advised that these tumours would continue to return, and Jill’s health would likely…   read more >>



* Sabrina and Kelly have been adopted by their foster home! * Sabrina, Jill and Kelly arrived at Hamilton Animal Services as “strays.” We don’t know for sure, but we believe Sabrina is Jill and Kelly’s mom as they are much younger than she is. These sweet girls are very friendly and curious.   They waited many months to find their forever home, and after a lengthy battle with health issues, little Jill passed away. After Jill’s passing, their foster mom couldn’t bear the thought of having to let Sabrina and Kelly go, so she adopted them!   Ladybird recommends Critter…   read more >>

Ladybirds Visit Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary

June 2018 Ladybird’s ultimate goal is to have a property where we can house more cats, dogs and small animals, and where we can start rescuing farm animals. Before attaining that goal, we are visiting local sanctuaries to gather as much knowledge as we can and to learn from others who are already doing what we are so looking forward to! Today, Ladybird founders Lisa, Janine and Melissa, and our awesome board member, Amy, visited Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary. This is the sanctuary where Darwin the “Ikea Monkey” is now residing. We caught a brief glimpse of Darwin before…   read more >>

Marilyn Bunroe

Marilyn Bunroe

* Marilyn Bunroe found her forever home with lovely people and another bunny to be friends with! * Marilyn Bunroe was brought into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. Staff at the shelter were unaware Marilyn was pregnant, and she gave birth to three babies a few days after her arrival. Staff did their best to make Marilyn comfortable and not disturb her and the newborns too much, as bunnies can be very sensitive to stress. Unfortunately, Marilyn’s babies passed away one by one over the next few days. It may have been any number of reasons Marilyn’s babies didn’t…   read more >>


Dean - photo by

* Sam and Dean found their forever home with a lovely person! * Sam and Dean ended up at Lincoln County Humane Society by no fault of their own. We were happy to rescue these two sweet pigs and make them a part of the Ladybird family! Sam and Dean are now ready to find their forever home. Here’s a note from Sam and Dean’s foster home: “Sam and Dean are wonderful little Guinea Pigs. After being in their previous home, they have really warmed up to humans. They love to be hand-fed, and are the most gentle and sweet…   read more >>


Sam - photo by

* Sam and Dean found their forever home with a lovely person! * Sam and Dean ended up at Lincoln County Humane Society by no fault of their own. We were happy to rescue these two sweet pigs and make them a part of the Ladybird family! Sam and Dean are now ready to find their forever home. Here’s a note from Sam and Dean’s foster home: “Sam and Dean are wonderful little Guinea Pigs. After being in their previous home, they have really warmed up to humans. They love to be hand-fed, and are the most gentle and sweet…   read more >>



* Monkey found his forever home with lovely people!   * Monkey came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. He arrived suffering from a serious upper respiratory virus, and a large mass on one of his eyes. Poor little guy was such a mess! But he was still eating, drinking, purring and playing like nothing was wrong. For such a young kitten, Monkey is quite the little trooper! We took Monkey straight from HAS to see Dr. Fleming at Guelph Animal Hospital. Dr. Fleming thought Monkey’s eye may have ruptured and then healed, leaving it in the condition it was…   read more >>

Dogs 4 Youth Marketplace

Dogs 4 Youth

Ladybird will have a booth at the Dogs 4 Youth event in Grimsby! Saturday June 16, 2018 9AM- 3PM Peach King Centre 160 Livingston Avenue Grimsby, Ontario L3M 4G3 Here are some details from the Dogs 4 Youth website: “Dogs 4 Youth is a massive indoor pet marketplace with vendors from a wide variety of companies selling everything an animal could ever want or need, with a few things for you too! Custom leashes and collars, specialized treats, apparel, and so much more! No matter your pet’s size or shape, you’re sure to find something they’ll love almost as much…   read more >>

Plant Nite

Plant Nite

It’s a plant party! Spend two hours at Serve creating a living tabletop garden with friends, food and of course drinks! THE BEST PART? It’s in support of Ladybird Animal Sanctuary! A trained instructor will help you along the way; no green thumb needed. Make it yours! Get creative with the best materials and host to guide you. Your project can be as different as you are! GET TICKETS HERE  LOCATION:   We had so much fun during Plant Nite! CLICK HERE to see photos from the event.  


Dudley - Photo by

* Dudley was adopted by awesome people! *   Dudley came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. He had a large open wound on the side of his face that HAS staff treated. Because he was an un-neutered, tom cat looking guy with a wound, HAS staff did a “SNAP” test to see if he was FIV positive. He wasn’t. But, he was Feline Leukemia positive. Not a great diagnoses, but he’s doing okay! We took Dudley to the vet where he was neutered and where he had a more comprehensive test that confirmed the FeLV. He did great for…   read more >>

International Cat Show

Cat Show 2018

Ladybird is a rescue partner at this year’s International Cat Show! Come visit our booth! Here’s the info from the organizer’s event page: “Clawsome Cats is proud to host a celebration and competition of cats of all breeds, both pedigreed and non-pedigreed, in beautiful Ancaster, Ontario. Come and have a stroll with a Sphynx, a coffee with a Cornish Rex, or a roar with a Ragdoll! This fun-filled family event is being hosted at the Ancaster Fairgrounds (Concession Hall) August 4th and 5th, 2018 from 10am-4pm. Shop with our local vendors for pet treats, toys, beds and more! An event…   read more >>


Sal - photo by Trevor Weeks

* Sal has been adopted by his foster home! Yay! * Sal came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. This poor little guy was a mess. Missing fur, overgrown nails, rotten teeth, crusty eyes, and issues with his back legs. This was a serious case of neglect. Sal is a happy little guy though, despite how he must be feeling. Thankfully, Dr. Babcock (of Lynden Animal Clinic) and his wife Robin have a soft spot for yorkies, and they agreed to foster Sal for us! Sal had a dental cleaning and he was neutered. Dr. Babcock let us know…   read more >>


Camilla - photo by

Sweet Camilla came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. She was sick with an upper respiratory virus, covered in fleas, her nails were overgrown and she was very wobbly on her feet. Shelter staff sent her to the vet and they started her on medication. Camilla started to feel a bit better and was less shaky after a few days of treatment. We rescued Camilla from HAS and took her to our vet. The vet ran a blood test, and it turns out Camilla has stage two kidney disease. We started her on a special diet for that, and…   read more >>


Ella - photo by Willow Bean Photography

* Ella found her forever home with a lovely person! * Ella was surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services when her elderly owner was no longer able to care for her. She’s a bit shy, but a sweet kitty. Ella received a clean bill of health at the vet, and she’s now ready to find her forever home! Please adopt Ella!



We’re so sad to report that we had to let little Elliot go. Here’s a note from his foster mom: “Bad news today. My sweet little Elliot passed away. His vets did everything they could for him but he has been getting sicker and he was starting to suffer. I could see that he was so tired. Today we made the decision to end his suffering. I was there with him and although it was hard I was so grateful to have him snuggle into my arms one last time. This will be difficult for Zelda and Ezra so I’m…   read more >>

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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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