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* Roger found his forever home with wonderful people and two other dogs to be friends with! Congrats Roger! * Roger came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray and was not claimed by his owner. The shelter estimated Roger to be approximately twelve years old. Roger arrived at HAS with cloudy eyes, overgrown nails, infected ears, infected skin, and patchy fur. Although he arrived in bad shape, he was a good boy while he received medical treatment from shelter staff.  We got Roger out of the shelter and into the warmth and safety of a foster home. We had…   read more >>



* Rutabaga and Radish found their forever home together with a lovely person! Congrats bunnies! * Someone abandoned seven baby rabbits on the doorstep of a vet clinic in Oakville. Oakville Humane Society was called and the bunnies were transferred to the shelter. OHS was already packed to the brim with rabbits, including a mom and her babies who had been abandoned in the exact same way earlier in the month. They reached out to us for help, and we were able to take four babies into our care. Please help us in welcoming River, Rain, Rutabaga, and Radish! They’re…   read more >>



* Rutabaga and Radish found their forever home together with a lovely person! Congrats bunnies! * Someone abandoned seven baby rabbits on the doorstep of a vet clinic in Oakville. Oakville Humane Society was called and the bunnies were transferred to the shelter. OHS was already packed to the brim with rabbits, including a mom and her babies who had been abandoned in the exact same way earlier in the month. They reached out to us for help, and we were able to take four babies into our care. Please help us in welcoming River, Rain, Rutabaga, and Radish! They’re…   read more >>



* Bebe found her forever home with lovely people! Yay! * Bebe was surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services because her owner no longer had time for her. We were more than happy to get this sweet, sweet girl out of the shelter and into a foster home. In her previous medical history, it was noted that Bebe has been treated for heart worm and that she has a heart murmur. Our vets discovered that Bebe desperately needed some rotten teeth removed, so we did an ultrasound to be sure Bebe’s heart could handle anesthetic. The ultrasound showed that her heart…   read more >>



** Timmy found his forever home with wonderful people! Yippee!  ** Timmy was surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services when his owners could no longer look after him, and because he was too vocal and was starting to become bitey. This poor guy was absolutely terrified. He completely shut down in the shelter and would barely look at the staff when they visited him in his kennel. Thankfully we had a foster home who was willing to help this scared pup, and they sprung him from the shelter. It took some time for Timmy to get used to his new surroundings and he’s…   read more >>



*Bumble and Badoo found their forever home with a lovely family! Yippee! *  Windsor Humane Society reached out to us when they were overwhelmed with small animals. We were able to take in Badoo the guinea pig, Dolores the hamster, and Diesel the gerbil. Badoo is a scardy-pig. Any small sound or movement makes her jump and run for cover. We’re not sure what her life was like before ending up at the shelter, but it seems she wasn’t handled very much, or she was handled roughly. Her foster family are doing their best to help her become more comfortable…   read more >>


Dodger - photo by Willow Bean Photography

We’re thrilled to report that Dodger has been adopted by his loving foster home. Brothers Dodger and Stewart were surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services when their owner was moving. Dodger is much shyer than his brother Stewart, but they’re both friendly boys. Dodger and Stewart are now settling in at their foster home and we’ll have an update for you soon! Welcome to Ladybird, Dodger and Stewart! We’re so happy you’re here! January 2020 UPDATE Shortly after their rescue, Dodger and Stewart’s foster mom noticed Dodger was coughing. He’s had several vet visits and extensive testing since then, as there…   read more >>



* River has been adopted by an amazing person! You can follow all her adventures in her new home at @panizzis_pets on Instagram. Congrats River! * Someone abandoned seven baby rabbits on the doorstep of a vet clinic in Oakville. Oakville Humane Society was called and the bunnies were transferred to the shelter. OHS was already packed to the brim with rabbits, including a mom and her babies who had been abandoned in the exact same way earlier in the month. They reached out to us for help, and we were able to take four babies into our care. Please…   read more >>


Gemini @ foster

* Gemini found her forever home with a wonderful person! Yippee! * Gemini was one of several animals brought to Hamilton Animal Services due to an eviction/hoarding situation. HAS were given no history (medical or otherwise) for Gemini, so we knew nothing at all about her. Gemini did great in her foster home. We got her the dental surgery she needed, and she was spayed during a second surgery. When she recovered from both surgeries, she was adopted. Unfortunately, a year later, Gemini has been returned to our care. Her adopter told us that Gemini is terrified of men, and they felt she…   read more >>



* Phoebe found her forever home with a lovely family! Yay! * Phoebe came into Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. She spent an extended time at the shelter, but no owner came forward to claim her. Animal Services spayed Phoebe and made her available for adoption through their own adoption program, but nobody showed any interest in adopting her. After months of being in there, it was becoming obvious that Phoebe wasn’t happy in a shelter environment, so Animal Services reached out to us for help. We got Phoebe out of the shelter and into a foster home where…   read more >>



* Peace and Love found their forever home with a lovely family, and a fantastic living space! Yay! * Peace and Love were surrendered to a shelter in Quebec when their owners no longer wanted them. The shelter was already packed, so they reached out to us for help and we were more than happy to take Peace and Love into our care. They were given a clean bill of health at their vet visit, and DNA confirmed that they are both males.  Peace and Love are sweet and gentle souls, and they have lots to say! They coo and “laugh” all…   read more >>



* Peace and Love found their forever home with a lovely family, and a fantastic living space! Yay! * Peace and Love were surrendered to a shelter in Quebec when their owners no longer wanted them. The shelter was already packed, so they reached out to us for help and we were more than happy to take Peace and Love into our care. They were given a clean bill of health at their vet visit, and DNA confirmed that they are both males.  Peace and Love are sweet and gentle souls, and they have lots to say! They coo and “laugh” all…   read more >>



* Oreo found his forever home with a wonderful person! Yippee! * Oreo was surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services when his owner was admitted to long term care. This little dog had been very well looked after by his owners, but sadly, they were no longer able to care for him. Oreo is a lovely little guy. He has a happy hello for everyone he meets! His eye was removed a few years ago due to glaucoma, but he doesn’t let that slow him down. At his vet visit, Oreo’s blood work showed no issues, which is great for a dog his age….   read more >>

Ella Jane

Ella Jane @ HAS

* Ella Jane found her forever home with lovely people! Woo hoo! * Ella Jane was surrendered to Hamilton Animal Services by her owner when they could no longer care for her. While at the shelter, Ella Jane tested positive for Feline Leukemia, but despite this, we were happy to get this lovely girl out of the shelter when a foster home opened up. At her first vet visit we had a more comprehensive blood test done, and it turns out the test at the shelter was false! Ella Jane isn’t Feline Leukemia positive after all! We got Ella Jane…   read more >>



* Howie’s foster home has officially adopted him! Woo hoo! * Windsor Humane Society reached out to us when a Quaker parrot was surrendered to them who was in rough shape. We were happy to get this little guy out of the shelter with the help of Freedom Drivers transport volunteers. (special thanks to Sam, Lysa, and Brendan!) Howie was a trooper for his transport, and he told the drivers many stories during their travels. 🙂 On his rescue day, Howie had a visit with avian specialist, Dr. McKinnon at Burloak Animal Hospital. During his exam, Dr. McKinnon noted that…   read more >>



* Godiva has been adopted by a lovely family! Yay! * Godiva was found as a stray and brought to Hamilton Animal Services. When she arrived at the shelter, Godiva’s fur was very sparse and she was covered in fleas and scabs. Poor girl was in rough shape. The shelter administered a flea and tick treatment, and Godiva waited out her stray time. When no owner came forward to claim Godiva, we were happy to get her out of the shelter and into the warmth of a loving foster home. At her vet visit, it was discovered that Godiva had…   read more >>



* Quinny has been adopted by her foster family! * We rescued Quinny from Hamilton Animal Services where she had been brought in as a stray. Nobody came forward to claim her, and we were happy to get Quinny out of the shelter when a foster home opened up. Quinny was spayed, and now that she’s healed, she’s ready to find her forever home! Here’s a note from Quinny’s foster home: “Quinny is a lovely bunny. She would be best in a home that doesn’t have a dog as she is afraid of ours, but it could be because we…   read more >>

Tru Earth Fundraiser

When you order a Tru Earth product here, a percentage of the total sales value will go to helping Ladybird Animal Sanctuary rescue animals in need. You can feel good knowing you are helping animals, while purchasing products that help save the environment. ORDER NOW



* Cricket and Chirp found their forever home together with a wonderful person! Yippee! * Cricket and Chirp were surrendered to a shelter in Quebec by their owners. We were happy to get these sweet boys out of the shelter when a foster home opened up, and they made the trip to Ontario through One Last Chance Rescue and Freedom Drivers Animal Rescue Transport. Big thank you to the awesome volunteers from both organizations! At their vet visit, it was discovered that Cricket has a condition called osseous choristoma, which has rendered him blind. It’s also likely that Cricket is…   read more >>



* Cricket and Chirp found their forever home together with a wonderful person! Yippee! * Cricket and Chirp were surrendered to a shelter in Quebec by their owners. We were happy to get these sweet boys out of the shelter when a foster home opened up, and they made the trip to Ontario through One Last Chance Rescue and Freedom Drivers Animal Rescue Transport. Big thank you to the awesome volunteers from both organizations! At their vet visit, it was discovered that Cricket has a condition called osseous choristoma, which has rendered him blind. It’s also likely that Cricket is…   read more >>

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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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