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Ladybird Soiree

Become a Member

With your monthly or annual member commitment,
you will help to ensure that each rescue gets
a second chance at the very best life!


When you join our member community, you not only support Ladybird on an ongoing basis, but you also get the benefit of ‘members only’ updates letting you know the impact that your contribution is making, plus more fun perks! See details and options below.


$5 | $10 | $15 | $20 | $30 | $40 | $100


$60 | $120 | $180 | $240 | $360 | $480 | $1,200

Special requests? Contact us.

Adhésion chiot platine
Platinum Pup Member
For a minimum one-year
commitment of $100+/monthly or $1,200+/annual:

  • You’ll be named on our website as a Platinum Pup Member
  • Receive Member E-reports
  • Receive a complimentary Ladybird essential tote bag
  • Your name featured as a donor member on sanctuary wall
  • You’ll be entered in a draw to win two (2) tickets to our Ladybird Soiree
  • You will be offering at-risk animals a second chance at a better life

Adhésion aux pattes d’or
Golden Paws Member
For a minimum one-year
commitment of $40+/monthly or $480+/annual:

  • You’ll be named on our website as a Golden Paws Member
  • Receive Member E-reports
  • Receive a complimentary Ladybird grocery tote bag
  • Your name featured as a donor member on sanctuary wall
  • You’ll be entered in a draw to win two (2) tickets to our Ladybird Soiree
  • You will be offering at-risk animals a second chance at a better life

Adhésion meilleur ami
Best Friend Member
For a minimum one-year
commitment of $30+/monthly or $360+/annual:

  • You’ll be named on our website as a Best Friend Member
  • Receive Member E-reports
  • Receive a complimentary cotton Ladybird grocery tote bag
  • Your name featured as a donor member on sanctuary wall
  • You’ll be entered in a draw to win one (1) ticket to our Ladybird Soiree
  • You will be offering at-risk animals a second chance at a better life

Adhésion chien chanceux
Lucky Dog Member
For a minimum one-year
commitment of $20+/monthly or $240+/annual:

  • You’ll be named on our website as a Lucky Dog Member
  • Receive Member E-reports
  • Receive a complimentary cotton Ladybird grocery tote bag
  • Your name featured as a donor member on sanctuary wall
  • You will be offering at-risk animals a second chance at a better life

Adhésion le miaulement du chat
Cat's Meow Member
For a minimum one-year
commitment of $15+/month/y or $180+/annual:

  • You’ll be named on our website as a Cat’s Meow Member
  • Receive Member E-reports
  • Your name featured as a donor member on the sanctuary wall
  • You will be offering animals a second chance at a better life

Adhésion coccinelle
Ladybug Member
For a minimum one-year
commitment of $10+/monthly or $120+/annual:

  • Receive Member E-reports
  • You’ll be named on our website as a Ladybug Member
  • You will be offering animals a second chance at a better life

Adhésion défenseur des animaux – pour les enfants!
Animal Defender Member

For a minimum one-year
commitment of $5+/monthly or $60+/annual:

Become an official Ladybird Youth Ambassador!
Designed for kids 16 years of age and under.



Ladybird Members

We would like to extend a very special thanks to our monthly donors


Alison Newton | Alvaro & Lois Melendez | Amy Hammel | Bradley Bullock | Brenda Connell | Chelsea Oliver | Cheryl Badour | Cindy Tesone (in memory of Daisy) | Daniel Bragagnolo | David Train | Deb Button | Emma and Matthew Farwell | Heather Buttrum, Rain Communications Inc. | Heather MacDougall | Janet Farwell | Jason Bond | Jason Hickox | Karen Anderson | Kylie Campbell | Lindsay Gear | Liz O’Brien | Lynn Muir-Wheeler | Lynn Voortman | Mary Lindo | Maxim Sychev | Nicole Scherbina | Steve Goldberger | Susan Garrett


Aminder Rai | Angela Fernandez | Angela Walter | Bonnie Mogridge (in memory) | Betty Monzavi | Blunderboffins Inc. | Catherine Short | Celina Knott | Chenice Piercy | Christiane Walch | Christopher Nobes and Alexis Layton | COHM Inc. | Crystal Dmytryshyn | Cynthia Morris | David Colacci | Donna Moss | Duane Rutter | Glory Hines | Fracassi & Co. Real Estate Group. | Ivy Theodore Arion Truman (in celebration) | Jacqueline Brown | Janet Lawrence | Jayne Douglas | Jeannie Madadi | Jennifer Ostovich | Jessica Lunn | Julie Vanden Byllaardt | Karen Sifton | Karli Youngberg | Kirsten Stevenson | Leah Virr | Lela Kouyoumdjian | Lisa de Vries | Lori Scapinello | Mark Watts | Melissa Loizou | Patricia Vinton | Pierrette Harvey | Rachel Burgess | Rene Vanderlubbe | Ruta Wad (in memory of L’il Highway Bunny) | Sara Auld | Sarah Chamberlain | Sarah Grittani | Shawn Kretz | Stew and Lauren Camillo | Wendy Locke


Amber Morrison | Anna Husack | Anne Caulfield | Antonia Zerbisias | Barry Rosenfelt | Beth Cameron | Candice Forrest | Carolyn Samko | Cathy Buchinski | Charles Garcia | Dan O’Kane | Desmond D’Souza | Don Lebouthillier | Donna Gumulak | Donna Powell | Dorothy Smith | Ellen Healey | Flo Da Silva | Frances Patterson | Georgina Clinning | Heidi Tourond | Jacqueline Cowden-Scott | Inger Woodworth | Jean Hajas | Jennifer Chase | Jessica Dawe | Jill Johnson | Julia Shulist | Kathleen Long | Kim Evershed | Leigh Kirschner (in memory of Lily) | Lori Scapinello | Louise Maffett (in memory of Diva) | Lynda Hill | Marsha Zatychies | Melanie and Kelvin Mak | Milos Lovric | Nancy Rose | Nancy Woudstra | Nisha Chopra | Patricia Monger | Ray Thomas | Renate Simon | Robyn Dalton | Sarah Graves | Sheena Nuell | Susan Mercer | Tammy Ross | Terri Keeping | The Miracle Cat | Zahira Khalid


Aggie Kwiatkowski | Akemi Liyanage | Alena Dillane | Alison Griggs | Angela Forth | Angela Templeton | Anne Beatie | Anne-Marie Kniehl | Anthony Urciuoli | Ashley Thompson | Audrey Lounsbury | Beverly Hutt | Brent Wilson | Brian Rodgers | Carmen Long | Caroline Kennedy | Catie Creighton | Christina Cooper | Colin Whyte | Cynthia Ackland | Daniel D’Angela | Dave Goodyear | David Matheson | David Sanderson | David Woodley | DeDe Abuzaid | Donna Koshiba | Donna Radia-Cox | Elizabeth Kata | Elizabeth McQueen | Emma Maxwell | Erinn Turnbull | Gerry Bukovinsky | Heidi Li | Isabella Purmal | Jacqueline Dawe | Jane McLean | Jana-Lee Breton | Janet McNairn | Jayne Lawson | Jeanette Cabral | Jeff Coward | Jennifer Elliott | Jennifer Iutzi | Jennifer Morine | Jennifer O’Neill Dembe | Jessica Breen | Jessica Timmins | Jill Snell | John Maynard | Joseph Van Troost | Julie Flaczynski | Justin Brownlee | Karen Bernyak-Bouwman | Karen Hayes | Kathryn Back | Kathryn Ball | Katie Egan | Kellie Miceli | Kendra Miller | Kerri Russel | Kevin Simone | Krista Delbaere | Lana Melanson | Leah Frizzle | Lee Buchanan | Lee-Anne Thomson | Lina Quiceno | Linda Stevenson | Lindsay and Sadie Fotheringham | Lisa Macdonald | Lisa Murphy | Lisa Tyrrell | Lori Henderson | Lucy DaCosta-McCabe | Lynda Chittley | Marianne Forrest | Maureen Fautley | Meagan Earle | Meaghan Graham | Melanie Olds | Michael Scott | Michelle Bevilacqua | Nancy Hamilton | Natalie Coward | Natalie Plucisz | Pamela Rogers | Paul Pavao | Paula McKibben | Paulina Sokoloski | Rachelle Letain | Rebecca Reed | Rebecca Roy | Reta Radix | Robyn Clark | Samantha Bennett | Sandra Wynne Catney | Sandra Chan | Sarah Podolsky | Scott Parker | Shane Snider | Sharon Fair | Shirley Crouse | Stacie McLean | Steph Hayes, White Cactus Branding & Design | Stephanie Cote | Susan Meneer | Syndi Marquette | Tania Forsyth | Tania Stoll | Terence Gui | Valerie Smith | Valerie Spironello, Choose Wellness | Vanessa Lepage | Verva Williams | Wanda Ottewell | Will and Lily Sockett-MacPhee | Zoe Green


Adorée McClean | Alan Leibtog | Alison Colavecchia | Amanda Cosby-Nesbitt | Andrea Phair & Anne Dwyer | Angelune Des Lauriers | Anthony Murdock | Barb Reimer | Brigitte Reinhard, Bri-Tax Accounting Services | Caroline Thomson | Cassandra Zip | Catherine Thomson | Cathy Carson | Cheryl Miles | Christine Robinson | Cindy Dell | Cindy Johnston | Claudia Manley | Diane Chesla | Diane Younger | Diane Zsepeczky | Edie Brown | Elizabeth Zomer | Ellen McMicking (in memory of Bill & Jean McMicking) | Elliot Storm | Esther Hornsveld | Farrah Faverey | Gillian Cannon | Heather Dennis | Janice Whorwood | Jennifer Bickley | Jennifer Roberts | Joanne Edmiston | Joanna Humphreys (in memory of Laura Wiebe) | Josie Dalla Via | Kanan Patel | Karen Startek | Katherine Griffiths | Kathleen Brown-Small | Kathryn Hodge | Kathy Rymal | Keeks On Tour Inc. | Kim Norgate | Kristen Morrison | Leanne Hagan | Lori Long | Lori-Ann Sanders | Madelaine Morrison | Marie Veness | Marlena Perich | Martin Sharp | Maureen Forsyth | Mike Lalich | Mike West | Nancy Rose | Patricia Torrance | Patti Oakes | Sally Hewitt | Sarah Pocock | Shirley Madill | Steve Puhach | Susan Marsh-Rollo | Susan Taylor | Tania Forsyth | Tanya Jenkins | Ted Dekker | Tiffany Werhun | Victoria Wong | Yifan Min


Alexandra Sowrey | Amanda Spagnolo | Amir Farsoud | Amy Ferreira | Brandi Lowry | Brenda Lloyd-Yetman | Deborah Malcolm | Carlo Gorni | Cathy Burlison | Christopher Cully | Cinzia Antonelli | Helen Campbell | Jason Silva | Jeff Dowding | Jennifer Kirner | Joan M Krygsman | Joanne Belisario | Kari Hayes | Karin Gordon | Kathy Curtis | Kelly Mulholland | Kevin Simone | Laura Adams (in memory of Bandit Davey) | Linda Crawford | Luca Simpson | Marilyn Bloom | Mark Costello | Martha Brunning | Megan Quigley | Melissa & Andrew Duguid | Michael LaCombe | Michelle Hodgson | Mike Przysiezny | Nancy Pike | Natalie Ethier | Natalie Woods | Nicole Lukac | Nicolle Phillips | Paula Milloy | Rachelle Brownson | Raffaele Michelli | Ralph Hackett | Risako (Lisa) Urakabe | Rosie Triebner | Sergey Kuch | Shannon Bond | Sharon Dammann | Shawn Newman | Sloane Cook-Fraser | Steve Puhach | Susan Cheesman | Susan Galts | Sylvia Di Leonardo | Tanya Jenkins | Thomas Brass | Tim Manning | Tim Runge | Vanessa Lancia

Join Ladybird's Mailing List

Receive our monthly Ladybird Word newsletter for rescue, adoption, and event news and more!

P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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