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Ladybirds visit Alaqua Animal Refuge!

December 2012

By Melissa McClelland

A great collective talent of the Ladybird gals is to somehow maintain focus and work ethic when three margaritas into the evening. Ok, we do waver a bit, but our girl getaways of yesteryear have evolved into something quite different for us three best friends.

Now that we’re running an animal rescue group, our long lunches have turned into brainstorming sessions; our gossiping over the phone has turned into Skype meetings, and any hope of a tan… well, I never had any hope of a tan! That’s not to say that we don’t find plenty of time to laugh and be ridiculous and drink one too many margaritas. But, now we are on a mission and we are quickly realizing that this is going to take every ounce of commitment, determination and hard work we could ever hope to muster.

This week we find ourselves in Florida, specifically the beautiful white sand beaches of Destin. It’s day five here and I have yet to feel the sand between my toes. I couldn’t be happier about it as we shadow the incredible Laurie Hood and her miracle of a sanctuary ‘Alaqua Animal Refuge‘. What she has accomplished is exactly what lofty goals we are working towards. Laurie fell into the world of animal rescue much the way most do; by accident. She simply witnessed the horrors around her and could not bring herself to turn a blind eye. Her tiny rescue operation quickly turned into 10 acres filled with domestic animals being rehabilitated, loved and protected from a system that sadly fails to do just that.

With approximately 100 adoptions a month, 300 volunteers passing through the doors a week, and programs that range from teaming up with prison inmates and local woman’s shelters, Laurie certainly has her hands full. Her energy doesn’t seem to falter and her positivity is contagious. Laurie has generously given us her time. She has spent full days with us, letting us pick her brain, happily allowing us ‘steal’ her material, templates and brilliant ideas. As we toured through the Alaqua grounds we could see our future laid out in front of us. It’s not going to be easy, but watching Laurie in action has fueled the momentum that is already burning through Ladybird.

Alaqua is a true community. Visitors can come and go, volunteers can join the team and the many fundraisers around town are constantly bringing people together in the spirit of animal welfare. We are soaking it all up! We know that we can do this, but we also know that we can’t do this alone. It will take a village to help the victims of animal cruelty and neglect.

A big Ladybird ‘thank you’ to our board member Janet who donated the use of her condo in Destin, Florida. Thank you to the wonderful women at the Rosemary Beach Foundation for hosting our Ladybird Sideshow concert. Last, but certainly not least… thank you to Laurie for taking us in with an open heart and sharing with us her wealth of knowledge. You inspire us!

Be a part of our dream for the better treatment of animals in our own communities. Join the Ladybird team, and together we can change the lives of animals in need.

How to help? There are so many ways you can be a part of Ladybird:

-become a monthly donor (any amount, large or small will go a long way)
-make a single donation
-give a Ladybird gift donation to someone special this Christmas
-become a volunteer foster
-organize a fundraiser
-encourage your kids to become youth ambassadors
-volunteer at one of our events
-invite your friends on Facebook to ‘like’ our page
-spread the word!

Ladybirds Janine, Melissa and Lisa are all reachable through e-mail, so please feel free to contact us with your thoughts, questions and comments!

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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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