Delilah was found on a nature trail in Hamilton. Thankfully, a person walking the trail noticed Delilah, and knew that she wasn’t a wild rat. That kind person brought Delilah to safety at Hamilton Animal Services. Nobody came forward to claim Delilah, so we picked her up and took her straight to the vet. Delilah had already been suffering from a severe respiratory issue and she was not doing well. The vet prescribed medication and Delilah was transferred to her foster home. Despite the vet and foster home’s best efforts, Delilah passed away during her first night with us.
We are angry that someone dumped an already sick Delilah in the woods instead of taking her to the vet where she might have had a chance. But we are thankful she was able to spend her last hours in the comfort of soft blankets, and with love from those who had cared for her during her short time with us.
Rest in peace Delilah. We will never forget you.