June ended up at Hamilton Animal Control after her owner passed away. Ladybird rescued her from there and took her to the vet. We didn’t have any information about her and because she was a bit chubby, we assumed she was spayed. We were wrong! While the vet was spaying her, it was discovered that she had mammary tumours and many ovarian cysts. Poor old girl had been suffering! When the biopsy results came back, it turned out the mammary tumours were cancerous. The lab report stated that the vet had likely removed all the cancer when he removed the tumours. We’re hopeful that this is the case and we’re so happy we were able to get her the vet care she so desperately needed. June has extra toes (technically called polydactyl) and they make her even cuter than she already is!
Here’s a note from her foster mom when June first arrived:
“She is such a sweet little cat, totally chill, loving and purrs like no cat I’ve ever seen. June isn’t much of a lap cat but adores snuggling up against me and getting scratches when I’m sitting on the couch. She also enjoys getting a good brushing. In the morning she lets me sleep in, but when I wake, she will nuzzle into my arm, or neck, and purr her little face off for as long as I stay in bed. I think it is safe to say she is settled in and feels comfortable with me and friends that have come over. She is still not a fan of loud noises though… I vacuumed today and she hid for 15mins after I got done.”
And a more recent report from June’s foster mom:
“She’s the sweetest, most gentle, good-natured and amusing little thing I can hardly stand it! She’s come out of her shell for the most part for sure and when I had people over last she sat on the bed, didn’t come for pets but didn’t run when people went to see her, and watched us for the entire night and didn’t run and hide at all. She still isn’t fond of the vacuum and she freaked a little when I opened the window for the first time.”
Poor June has been through so much with her owner dying, being at animal control, surgery and then new surroundings in her foster home. We had been trying to find June a forever home for more than a year, and after having to endure a second surgery when the tumours returned, we decided that the best place for June to remain is with Ladybird as a permanent resident. We’re grateful to June’s foster mom who has agreed to take care of June until the end of her days!
December 20th, 2014 June says goodbye: