* Frank has been adopted by his foster family! Woo hoo! *
Frank’s story is a strange one. Someone put him in a carrier and left him at a bus stop. He had been recently shaved, so he had been looked after to some degree before he was abandoned. Thankfully someone found the carrier and brought Frank to Burlington Animal Shelter. The shelter is beyond full (as is every other shelter right now) so they reached out to us for help. We were happy to get this sweet persian out of the shelter and to the vet for neutering. His nostrils were so tiny, he had to have stenotic nares corrective surgery (nostril expansion) so his airways were clearer through the surgery, and to help him breathe more freely long-term. *
Thankfully everything went well during surgery and Frank is now recovering in his foster home. Frank will be made available for adoption when he has had some time to heal.
Welcome to Ladybird, Frank! We’re so happy you’re here!
* Breathing issues are a serious problem with brachycephalic animals. Brachycephalic is a term used to describe dogs, cats, and rabbits who have flat faces and short muzzles. These unnatural features can cause potential health issues, such as Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome. Animals with brachycephalic syndrome have very small nostrils and a long soft palate that obstructs the airway. They are breathing in air through an extremely small opening, making breathing in general very difficult. That difficulty breathing can lead to concerns around heat stroke, heart problems, and other issues. Further challenges these breeds may face include eye abnormalities, spinal malformations, ear infections, skin infections, dental problems, and difficulty exercising, sleeping, and eating. No matter how cute persians, bulldogs, pugs and other breeds are, purposely breeding this “flat face” feature into a companion animal is inhumane. These animals face a much greater risk of developing serious and painful health problems compared to other animals. Some needing lifelong medical attention and care which can be deeply distressing and expensive, with significant vet bills and great emotional costs for both owners and pets.