Gina was found alone in an apartment building and brought to Hamilton Animal Services. We’re thankful for the person who found her and brought her to safety. No owner came forward to claim Gina, so the shelter reached out to us. We were happy to get Gina out of the shelter and into the vet for a health check. Thankfully, Gina doesn’t have any obvious health issues after being abandoned, but because we didn’t know her history, she stayed in our care for the gestation period to be sure she was not pregnant. Thankfully she wasn’t.
Gina is not all that thrilled about being handled, but she is a friendly little girl. The bedding in Gina’s 75 gallon tank is very deep, which allows her to make intricate tunnel systems to burrow in and adventure through. Burrowing is a natural behaviour for gerbils, and they should always be provided deep bedding such as Carefresh brand. Gina likes to run in the large wheel she has been provided, and she enjoys dust baths. Gerbils are big chewers, so timothy hay and lots of wooden toys should be provided to keep their teeth in tip top shape. Gerbils are a lot of fun, and with a proper enclosure (a large tank with a secure lid is best) and enrichment, they can enjoy their best life.
Please adopt Gina!
Can’t adopt but want to help?
Monetary donations are always needed, but donations of hamster/gerbil food, chew toys, and Carefresh bedding are very much appreciated!
Options for donating items:
🐾 Dundas Pet Valu – 86 Main Street, Dundas, Ontario. Purchase items in-store and leave in the donation bin.
🐾 Amazon Wish List – Purchase items and have them delivered directly to us!
🐾 Tiny Paws Emporium – order through their website, and ask for items to be delivered to Ladybird Animal Sanctuary