Bonnie was brought to Hamilton Animal Services when her owner passed away. She’s approximately 13 years old, but still has lots of energy!
When a foster home stepped up, we were able to get Bonnie out of the shelter and into the vet on her rescue day.
Poor Bonnie has a number of medical issues. She has dry eye, which is causing her eyes to be crusty and infected. Dry eye is also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), and it’s a painful condition that occurs when tear glands are damaged. This prevents the eyes from producing enough tears, which can lead to blindness. We’re not sure if Bonnie is completely blind, but it’s obvious she has some visual impairment. She’s been started on a combination of eye drops and medication to help with this condition.
Bonnie’s fur is matted and she had quite a bit of feces imbedded in her fur, as well as urine scalding on her back end. This has caused her vulva to be swollen and infected. Her fur was cleaned up at the vet, and she’s been given an antibiotic to clear up the infection. Urine and fecal samples were taken, and we’re just waiting for those results.
Blood testing came back mostly normal, other than liver values being elevated, and an x-ray showed that her spleen is slightly enlarged. There could be a number of reasons for both of these, but the values were not enough to cause immediate alarm. Both findings will be rechecked at her follow up vet appointments.
Bonnie’s teeth were very rotten, so she had dental surgery on her rescue day. Seven teeth were extracted and her remaining teeth were given a good cleaning. She did great for this surgery, and she is now in a loving foster home where she’ll be given time to recover and decompress from all she’s been through. Thankfully this particular foster family is well versed in fostering senior dogs with multiple health issues, so we are confident that Bonnie will be very well cared for.
We hope that Bonnie can eventually be a candidate for adoption, but we’ll have a better idea after her follow up vet visits.
Welcome to Ladybird, Bonnie! We’re so happy you’re here!
ADOPTION PROCEDUREDonate to Bonnie's Care