Zizi (Ziziphus jujuba) ended up at Hamilton Animal Services as a stray. Zizi had a severe infestation of ear mites when he arrived, so the shelter gave him medication to get rid if the mites and relieve the itching. No owner came forward to claim this shy guy, so we sprung him from the shelter when a foster home opened up.
Zizi was neutered on his rescue day, and he did great for the surgery. He’s now in his foster home where he can heal. Knowing Zizi is a bit of a scardey cat, his foster family have provided him lots of hiding spots to retreat to when he’s feeling anxious. In the few days Zizi has been with them, he’s already starting to come out of his shell and show his affectionate side. We know Zizi will make a great companion for the right home when he’s ready.
Welcome to Ladybird, Zizi! We’re so happy you’re here!