Ladybird Animal Sanctuary rescued Marcus from Hamilton Animal Control where he ended up as a stray.
Marcus found his forever home with a lovely family and another Ladybird cat named Tuesday!
Update November 2016
We received this email from Marcus’ adopter. It’s a very important message for anyone thinking about taking on the responsibility of an animal. We’re so glad Marcus is going to be okay…
“On Saturday we had noticed that Marcus wasn’t quite himself. He was a little withdrawn and fussed a little bit when he was picked up. I had gone away for the night but my husband was home with the kids and kept a close eye on him. Sunday morning my husband had noticed little spots of urine on the floor that also had a little bit of blood in it. I arrived home soon afterwards and we called Beattie’s in Ancaster and got him ready to go.
Once we got to the vets, they examined him and then looked at his x-ray, he was immediately diagnosed with a urinary track blockage and was given some pains meds and prepped for anesthetic and a catheter. All this time the staff were commenting on his docile temperament, even though he was in a huge amount of pain. Most cats are very hissy and lashing out, while Marcus, better known to us as the gentle giant, just meowed a little and let them do whatever they needed to help him. Around 6 o’clock we moved him to the Stoney Creek clinic so that he could have 24 hour care.
I spoke with the vet this morning and he is expected to have his catheter removed tomorrow evening and as long as he is urinating without issue he will be home Wednesday. Thankfully because we caught it very early (gold star for my hubby) Marcus shouldn’t have any other complications but will have to have a special diet for the rest of his life, which we hope is a very long time.
When we chose to adopt Marcus from you 3 years ago we knew and accepted the responsibility for his care and that for his “siblings” Penny and Luna. He is an irreplaceable member of our family and we would do anything for him, at any cost. It was never a second thought as to what the plan of care was for him and thankfully he will recover.
I’d like you to share this with your Ladybird followers just to stress the importance to others that are thinking about adopting a pet. Please make sure that you can afford to take care of them. They are not disposable, to be dumped like garbage. They are living, breathing, feeling and loving creatures that deserve to be treated as such.
Thank you Ladybird Animal Sanctuary and all of those who volunteer their time or money for all of the hard work that you do everyday on top of your other family and work responsibilities. Without you this sweet boy wouldn’t have found his way into our hearts.
The Norgate Family
P.S. Attached is a photo of Marcus a few days ago.”