Rescued from Hamilton Animal Control, currently in foster care. Initially shy, it only took Olive a couple of days to warm up to her foster family. Shes now enjoying being out of the shelter, and shes busy warming the hearts of all who meet her. She’s playful and inquisitive and loves her snuggle time. After being in foster care for a couple of months, it was discovered that Olive was limping and having trouble with her back legs. After a few trips to the vet, she was diagnosed with Bilateral Luxating Patellas, which means her knees were randomly popping out of joint. We found a wonderful vet to perform the surgery Olive required, and she came through the procedure with flying colours. After returning to her foster home over the next weeks Olive experienced a few more problems with her health and had to return to the vet for some additional procedures. During this process of caring for her, her foster family grew pretty attached to the lovely girl and decided to adopt her permantnely. We’re so happy that Olive has found a forever home with people that truly care for her.
UPDATE: December 8th, 2011
We started fostering for the LAS in the summer of 2011. Our first fosteree was Olive who came to us from Hamilton animal control, via the vet and Ladybird Lisa. She hid under the bed for 2 or 3 days before she started venturing out to meet us. Considering how friendly and affectionate she is now it is strange remembering how scared and freaked out she was when she first came to us. Once she started settling in we noticed that she had a strange limp in her back legs every now and then. When a potential adopter came along, LAS had her checked out at the vet and discovered that she had luxating patella (dislocating knee caps) and would need surgery to fix the problem. Olive had a double surgery on both legs and came back with her entire bottom end shaved (apart from her little fluffy socks and tail) and two gnarly looking wounds. She looked a bit ridiculous. A month or so into her recovery, we noticed that she was limping on one side again. So back to the vet for more surgery, much to Olive’s dismay. We were also told that she would likely get arthritis in both her back legs. By this time we had had Olive for about 4 months and we were pretty attached to her and her fluffyness. She had become a very friendly, purry, affectionate cat and we thought that potential adopters might not see this if they thought she was going to have problems with her legs in the future and perhaps need additional care for arthritis. So we decided to adopt her! I was worried that adopting her might mean we couldn’t foster for LAS anymore but we are hoping that Olive will welcome the company of other cats and that we can continue to be a LAS foster home. My husband works away a lot so Olive is fantastic company. She loves snuggles, sleeping in the bath, waking us up by licking our faces and lying upside down with all her legs stretched out! We look forward to welcoming more fosterees and helping them find their new homes.