Rescued from Hamilton Animal Control, siblings Bagheera, Gordie and Nugget spend a short time in foster care to get over the upper respiratory virus they contracted from the shelter. As soon as they were feeling better, they were quickly scooped up and adopted into wonderful homes!
UPDATE: December 8th, 2011
Dear Ladybird Animal Sanctuary,
Bagheera is adjusting very well to his new home. He has a big brother, 11 year old Mozart (who is also a black male feline), and a little brother, Frodo ( a calico Abysinnian guinea pig, adopted from the Oakville Humane Society). I saw Bagheera on my Facebook page, along with his two siblings, and I just knew that another black cat would be a perfect companion for Mozart. I often call this little fellow “monster”, because he is so wild and energetic, but keeps us all in stitches!!! There has been much more laughter since adopting “Baggie”, and it feels so good to know that we have helped such a worthy cause.
The Koren Family