Mister Noodles
Notes: The Ladybird Animal Sanctuary rescued Mister Noodles from Hamilton Animal Control where he found himself as a stray. A good starter cat for those people who consider themselves ‘dog people’ 🙂 Ending up as a stray at a high kill facility is never a great place for any animal, let alone a black cat as their chances at a second chance at life are very slim. Thankfully though, Ladybird has a soft spot for these personality plus felines and were so excited to rescue Mister Noodles from a metal cage, where he had lived half his short life.
It has been pondered many times by Ladybird when they come across an abandoned, unwanted cat that is just so sweet,so laid back, so calm, cool, collected and just so darn good natured, how in the world this animal ended up being thrown away like trash. Here he is though, Mister Cool Kitty himself.
Mister Noodles was adopted to a lovely family!