The Ladybird Animal Sanctuary rescued Percy from a high-kill shelter in Laval Quebec. (Big thanks to the folks atT.E.A.M. Dog Rescue and your volunteer drivers for getting Percy to Ontario!)
Percy is a friendly guy who enjoys time spent exploring and hanging out with his foster mom and dad.
Chinchillas need large and specific housing and require morecare than a rabbit or guinea pig. Chinchillas can live for fifteen to twenty years, so Percy will need to be adopted to someone with some small animal experience and someone who is ready for a long term commitment. Chinchillas do not make appropriate pets for young children.
Think you might want to adopt a chinchilla? Make sure to read this page first.
Here’s a note from Percy’s foster home:
“Percy likes being out of his cage and exploring his surroundings. He is really fast, and can be hard to catch. He is not a big cuddler…he would rather be exploring. But at the end of the day, after he has had a good run around, he will fall asleep while being held — and is it ever cute. He is good with other animals. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by our dog, he just gives her a sniff, and hops right by her.”
Percy’s foster home decided he should stay forever! Yay for foster failures!