We rescued Bubbles from Hamilton Animal Control. This sweet kitten has a neurological issue that makes one back leg a little wonky, but he’s otherwise healthy and happy. Our vets have advised us to give him some time to see if the leg will improve as he grows, so we will do just that.
Here’s a bio, written by Bubbles’ foster mom:
“It is with sadness in my heart that I am writing a bio for Bubbles. I wish I could put it off but this little guy is doing so remarkably well (so quickly) that it would be selfish of me to keep him all to myself when his forever human(s) are out there waiting to add him to their family.
When Ladybird Lisa asked me if I would consider fostering a little bitty kitty that might have to have a leg amputated of course I said yes, yes, yes. Poor little lamb I thought, just a baby who might have to lose a limb at such an early start in life. Well as it turns out, when Lisa arrived with carrier in hand I was relieved to hear that at his vet visit it was determined the issue was neurological and we would wait and see how he got on. Thankfully for Bubbles (we will get back to the name in a minute :o) the Ladybirds take in all kinds of animals and try hard to help those that might not have the best chances.
So the name….while that is really cute for a wee baby, upon hearing the name my 12 year old son said, um, no, I don’t think so. I suggested we add ‘the beast’ to the name but ‘bubbles the beast’ just didn’t really do it so my son has named him Toothless. Now if you know the ‘how to train your dragon’ movies, you will know who toothless is and the name is very fitting for him.
So here is Bubbles’ guide to ‘How to Train your Human’ – today he has his foster family, tomorrow you, then the world…mwah ha ha….
– give them the puss n’boots sad eyes – check
– let out pathetic little mews of varying loudness and lengths – check
– hobble around all sad eyes, pathetic mews dragging back leg to illicit concern and extra cuddles – check
– play them like a pro – check
– enjoy full body massages and let out stinky farts but still get more massages – check
– get the human female to wear t-shirts like a skirt so when she is on the couch sitting in a lotus position I have a very comfortable ‘lap hammock’ to lounge on – check
– snuggle up at sleep time all curled into the crook of her arm, then purr and fall asleep, repeat a number of times waking her up as I go and still get pets and cuddles – check
– wake up at 5 or 6 am, give the human face nuzzles and perhaps a quick game of ‘attack the toes under the covers and let my human know I would like to play now – check
– eat all the other cats food even though I have my own kitten muchies – check
– bomb around the house like a cheetah on the Serengeti plains – check
Seriously though, about his leg….what a sneaky snake he turned out to be. He’s far from immobile, just the opposite, he’s a little monster. I now see it was all a rouse to get out of the smaller quarantine room and into the rest of the house. His leg doesn’t slow him down one bit. If anything, the hard floors help him move all that much faster. He leaps and bounds with the best of them so I am guessing that (at least for now) his leg is not causing him all that much bother.
I tell him every day that he’s a monster, what a little terror he is becoming, and what a super baaaaaaddddddd boy he is. Which of course he likes because it is normally followed by chin rugs and little bum spanks. My son continues to call him toothless, I call him dragon and all the names I just mentioned but I will reserve his forever name to be given by you once you get to know him. He is not much for being man handled (ie. picked up) but he really adores snuggling on a lap and has just come to learn how majestic sleeping snuggled up to a human can be. He gets on famously with the resident cats in the house. He has managed to get one to look after him like a surrogate mom/big brother ie. grooming, cleaning his ears, snuggling and playing and has even managed to wear down the household alpha male, a large orange and white tabby that while super friendly doesn’t care either way about fosters and bubbles just keeps walking up to him, leaning in, and
rubbing himself down the full length of his body then turns round and attacks his tail …we call this his drive by and he is really good at it. One of his absolute favourite things is dive bombing the other cats from above as they walk by :o)
He is loving spending time with Sushi (another foster cat in the home available for adoption) and the 2 of them together are like Batman and Robin on missions, what a goofy pair they are. They are like frick and frack boundign along together side by side. Bubbles will do best with at least one if not all kinds of animal cohorts as he is a mischievous outgoing little lad with a huge personality. He is still a kitten and can be a bit rough and tumble so very small children would not do well with him.“
Bubbles was adopted to the same awesome people who adopted Levon!