We rescued Felix from Hamilton Animal Control where he found himself as a stray. He was already neutered when we rescued him, but he was very much in need of some dental surgery. We got him that surgery (eight extractions!) and he healed wonderfully. Felix is now ready to find his forever home!
Felix is the ultimate lap cat. If you make a lap, he will put himself in it. He loves nothing more than to curl up with his foster people and enjoy some pats and love. He also likes to play, and his favourite toys are ones he can kick with his back feet. Fun! Felix is living with several other cats in his foster home, but he’s not a huge fan of them. He’d likely be happier as the only cat, or with just one other cat. All in all, Felix is a sweet and laid back guy who would love to be your forever friend!
*Felix found his forever home with awesome people!*