Sometimes, rescues don’t turn out the way we hope them to.
This is Sylvia. She was a stray cat, brought into Hamilton Animal Control with a severe injury and infection to her tail and back legs. We rescued Sylvia from HAC and took her straight to the vet. Upon examination, it was obvious that Sylvia’s tail needed to be amputated asap. The vet also thought Sylvia might be pregnant as she had a swollen belly. Because of the severity of Sylvia’s infection, the likelihood of the babies being alive inside her was very low. Sylvia was sedated, prepped for surgery and an ultrasound was done to see if she was in fact pregnant. If she was pregnant and the kittens were dead, a secondary surgery would have to be done to remove them. What the vet found was not kittens, but an advanced case of megacolon. Megacolon is severe constipation that causes the feces to become solidified, lodged in the colon and the colon to enlarge. Aside from the pain Sylvia must have been in from her tail and legs, the discomfort of this condition was probably unbearable.
Surgery is an option for megacolon, but our vets told us that even if the surgery was successful (which wasn’t likely with how advanced her case was), Sylvia’s existing injuries and the continuing issues and treatment associated with megacolon long after the surgery would make her quality of life very poor. Our vets recommended Sylvia not be brought out of her sedation and she be euthanized. After much discussion, we agreed.
We always want what is best for every animal we rescue, and sometimes what is best for them is to let them go.
Sylvia, we are so sad we couldn’t help you, but we know you’re not in pain anymore, and for that we are thankful.
Rest in peace Sylvia.