We rescued five wee kittens from Hamilton Animal Control where the ended up without their mother. Their foster mom did an amazing job helping them get healthy and happy and our vets have given them a clean bill of health. They’re ready to find their forever homes now!
We ask that kittens be adopted with a sibling if there are no other animals in the adopter’s home. Kittens do much better in pairs when they have a friend to grow up with and share all the adventures in their forever home.
Here’s a report from the kittens’ foster home:
“Five little brown tabby’s sleeping peacefully, all sweetness and light, cute, cuddly, but as soon I open my laptop, BAM, like chum in the water…those sleepy little muffins become sharks, pouncing on my table circling me and my keyboard, trying to get belly rubs, climbing the curtain next to the dining table then dive bombing me, perhaps a concerted effort to try and write their own bio, they obviously believe they are pretty great paw typer’s.
Why do you think it’s taken so long to get a bio done? I’ve considered leaving home to write their bio’s and I can’t even begin to think about 5 separate bios so you get one big one for all of them.
As it is now, I’ve had to fill their bellies with a big heap of raw chicken and after they all looked sleepy and now that I have started, BAM, I’m foiled again, doh…those sneaky little monkeys. Just don’t look at them I tell myself, don’t make eye contact!
Anyway, I must muddle through because you gotta adopt them, there’s only so much cuteness a person can take.
Although they all look very similar (it took me till they were about 9 weeks old to actually give them names and try and tell them apart) they all have very distinct personalities’ and unique, I’ll call it ‘quirks’ that make each one a joy to watch grow up. It is a safe bet that these kittens are jungle cats, in perfectly striped domestic cat bodies.
And I have to say, it seems like they grew up really fast. When Ladybird Lisa asked if I would foster 5 itty bitty 3 week old kitty’s I had to say yes. They ended up as strays at a kill facility, as all of the animals Ladybird rescues. More than likely the product of humans who let their female have a littler but had no interest in spaying their female before she got pregnant or taking responsibility for her offspring once she gave birth.
That is where Ladybird stepped in. They were vet checked and then came home. Since they were not old enough to have been weaned and certainly didn’t know how to eat kibble and canned food on their own, I helped by hand feeding until they got the hang of it. Then there was potty training (which mama would normally teach) so I helped with that too. Let’s just say the kitten room was quite a stinky mess for the first couple weeks they were with me and twice daily mini baths were needed.
However, now they are pros and you’d never guess they had a difficult start. They are all big, healthy, rambunctious kittens with no fear of humans and lots, and lots, and lots of love, enjoyment, antics, and companionship to bring to their new families.
Group activities they all like:
Litter cleaning – oh yes, if you leave the door open when you are cleaning the litter you will have such an awesomely, amazing, oh so fun time. Litter time is let’s all help time! And no one is a bigger helper than Fang. You don’t even have needed to start cleaning yet, all you need to do is open a litter bag and you hear it…this galloping from the kitchen, through the living room, into the bedroom and he takes the corner of the bed like Sea Biscuit and as he passes the bed he leaps and like a player lunging for home plate, he is in the litter…..hooray. Oh, he thinks he is a big help. You uncover cat clumps and he starts covering them back up for you. He’ll dig new holes for you and generally just lay around in the litter, schooching on his belly toward whatever you are doing, just letting you know he’s there if you need help. You lift him out and he will happily just hop right back in and the game continues. During this, you will often find Roxy sitting pretty on her hind legs with her front paws on the litter box ledge, looking very much like a Mer Cat just observing what is going on. Chili is often on the floor rolling around looking for a belly rub or Rogue is biting him and Pingu, well he is under the dresser (beside the litter box) trying to squeeze his paw into a little space between the 2 and paw at Fang in the box. You can see his goofy face all the while.
Feeding time – I already mentioned ‘sharks’ nuf said!
Bathroom time – doesn’t matter if you are brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom, showering or bathing, bathroom time is fun time! Just turn on the water and watch em come running. Some are able to jump up on the side of the bathtub (Fang) while others (Pingu) are not quite as coordinated (I’ll just say he’s a goofball). I’ve been teaching them how to enjoy water fun…YOU’RE WELCOME! Roxy prefers to jump on the side of the tub and watch, while Fang and Chili like to get right in and have a drink. Rogue likes to hang out in between the inner and outer shower curtain and attack her siblings, and Pingu, well, he likes to get pet’s from you while you watch the whole thing go down. Plus, if you have just gotten out of the shower or bath, he likes to help lick the water off your toes and legs with help from Roxy. Fang is the only one so far that has ventured from the toilet seat (which is always, always, always kept down because and open toilet bowl is like a kitten magnet) to the sink and vanity area, cause he is a scallywag that Fang….watch out for your toothbrush and if you find it missing, you’ll be fairly certain who was playing with it.
Bed/Nap time – each kitten has their preference when it comes to napping. Pingu likes to lay with you on your pillow, Chili likes to lay on you, doesn’t matter where, just as long as it’s on you. Rogue is stealthier and will often lay near you or crawl unsuspecting under the covers and lay by your feet. Fang is all about hey I’m here, let’s attack your body parts that are under the cover or your hands or give you a nose kiss, whatever. And Roxy, well she is a dainty little lady and she just adores being ever so close to you. She likes to snuggle under your chin or beside your neck. She also likes to be half under the cover with you curled up in the crook of your arm. The point is that eventually they all fall asleep and I wake up surrounded by 5 purring kitten faces all around me.
Tabby kitten #1 – Rogue
Rogue is a funny bunny indeed. She was and still is the most adventurous and independent kitten. Often I will walk around my place asking ‘where is my 5th kitten? And I just know the missing kitten in question is Rogue and turns out it always is. From finding a new place to tuck herself away to just being a master of blending in, she is the Houdini of the bunch. I have found her on the top shelf in my closet with both doors closed and I know for certain that she was not in there when I closed the doors….spooky. You’ll need to keep your eye on this trickster. She’s a fierce little warrior princess with a soft centre, mushiness about her. Loves cuddles and snuggling in close for naps and making sure everyone is towing the line. Which she has done now, left the other kittens on the table around me and taken off, somewhere…da, da, da.
Tabby kitten #2 – Chili
Ah, baby Chili. As foster parents we’re not meant to love one more than the other but sshhh, Chili is such a special little dude. He was the runt of the litter and when he came to me, I wasn’t sure he would make it. He spent the next two weeks perpetually wet and then crusty and then wet and crusty from food all over his face and upper body to poo down the rest. He struggled to eat and he needed extra help eating directly out of my hand. He would try so hard and get his whole face in his wet mushy food and then it would be all over him so I’d clean him up best I could and then he’d poo all over himself and I’d clean that up the best I could. Hence the crusty and damp part of his first two weeks. I had to worry about him not getting too cold so I’d take him and his other brothers and sisters and put them on my chest on a blanket and then fold it over all of them, like a kitten quesadilla and there he would rest amongst them for warmth and comfort. He’s made it through though with flying colours and now he is just the most, chilled out little man, nothing seems to faze him. He is much lighter in colour and his face is a mix of lovely butterscotch and caramel colour swirls. As I type this (and the other kittens are around me asleep on the table) it is Chili that is awake and just chilling beside me, hanging out giving me the sleepy, ‘I love you human’, look. He’s a big ole snuggle puss who adores giving full face kisses and basically just rubbing his whole body around your head and purring and purring and purring.
Tabby kitten #3 – Roxy
What a sweet, delicate little miss this kitten is. She is probably the smartest and most observant of the litter and she seems to love humans in a very different way than her brothers and sister. If windows are the eyes to our soul, then Roxy wants to know all about them and us. She will spend time looking directly at your face, into your eyes and study what is behind them. She will turn angle her head from side to side and when you close your eyes, she loves to come closer and touch them with her ticklish whiskers and often will give you eye kisses. She will lay close to you (if you are just getting ready for a nap or just waking up) and stare directly at you and reach out a paw gently and place it on your cheek then move it on your eyelid. She seems absolutely fascinated by this activity. She is definitely a kisser and very vocal, often giving a little cry to let you know that she would like some pets, now please. She is a super snuggle bug and by far the kitten that NEEDS human contact and interaction. She always seems to be watching what is going on, learning and growing up. She loves my resident cat Grizzy who is like a big brother to her and grooms her all the time. She has lighter caramel colours as well which sets her apart a little from the boys and her sister.
Tabby kitten #4 – Pingu
Oh Pingu, a lovely. Lovely boy and a bit of a goofball. He’s our pillow snuggler and likes giving nose kisses. He also helps after bath and showers to clean you up/help you dry. He is a super laid back lad that just kind of goes with the flow. He’s always up for a little rough housing and is quite the rapscallion when it comes to making you think his brothers or sisters were the ones that shred the toilet paper to bits but truth be told, I know it is him and he’s just good at looking all innocent like. He’s polite and waits his turn at the trough when it’s feeding time and is ever so good as to not play the silly games that Fang does when it’s litter cleaning time but he quietly eggs others on from the sidelines. He is also vocal when he chooses to be which is normally in the wee hours of the morning before it is officially breakfast as he jumps on the bed and wakes you up and then follows you to the washroom waiting to see if you will give in and give him food early.
Tabby kitten #5 – Fang
What a bad boy this Fang character is, and what a character indeed. As mentioned, the litter is his domain. The bathtub is his domain. Mwah, ha, ha, the whole world is his domain, or at least it would be if he could conquer it. He’s just a happy go luck boy who knows that life is great and it’s good to be alive. He’s always up for a chase, a cuddle, a water fight, it’s especially endearing when he races to the litter box to help after he’s been laying in the tub and his belly is all wet which then picks up the litter so you literally need to shake him off and he lets you, cause this is also good times. He loves food (always the first hungry piranha at my feet), loves cuddles, loves snuggles, loves face kisses, loves fighting his siblings, loves, loves, loves, just loves it all.”