Rescued from Hamilton Animal Control and currently in foster care, Maple came into HAC as a stray. Maple wouldn’t have made it out of that high-kill shelter, so the Ladybird Sanctuary stepped in and rescued her. Maple is a very cute bunny, but she has some issues that her foster home is working on. She can be aggressive when she is in a cage, but when she’s out of a cage and enjoying some exploring, pats and lap time, she is a very nice bunny. She must be housed in a pen or large enclosure, rather than the usual cages sold in pet stores that are far too small. She would really appreciate being a free run bunny if her adoptive home had the right facilities for this. Not being enclosed in a small cage will help her work on her aggression issues and make her the sweet bunny she is when she’s out of her cage!
After more than two years in foster care, Maple finally found her forever home with an awesome person. Congrats Maple! We know it was worth the wait…
Here are some great examples of rabbit housing using x pens and similar large, open enclosures.
April 14th, 2015
We received this wonderful spring update from Maple’s adopter yesterday. If you recall, Maple was with Ladybird for more than two years before finally being adopted. It was certainly worth the wait though because she is beyond spoiled and loved in her forever home. Her name is now Mabel…she has a bunny companion in her forever home named Chicken (best rabbit name ever!) and her adopter is the most awesome bunny mom. We LOVE updates from our adopters, and this one is extra special for us.
Yay Mabel!
“Hi Ladybirds.
Well spring is here, and Mabel will have been with us for 7 months tomorrow. I just wanted to pass on a little update and some pictures. Mabel and Chicken each had their first romp in the yard on April 1st, one after the other, and they had a really great time. Chicken turned ten on the tenth, and is getting a little stiff in the back end, but she still had fun. I was a little worried about how Mabel would react at first, since she had been released by her previous owners; I didn’t want her to be scared or feel like she was being abandoned again. But she loved it. It’s a nice yard for a bunny to play in – fully fenced with lots of garden space for digging and nibbling, especially during the summer when all the tasty veggies are growing. Mabel was a little shy at first, but very quickly learned that I wasn’t going anywhere (she kept checking over her shoulder to make sure I was still there!) and was soon zipping back and forth along the fence and smelling all the new smells and kicking her feet up in the air. On the first occasion, she mostly stayed along the one fence line and under the safety of what I call the ‘bunny bushes’ (they provide lovely shade in the summer, and a myriad of rabbits have dug a great ‘bun run’ around and in between them over the years, so it’s a really neat place to hang out.), but she’s been out three times now, and each time she gets bolder and bolder, zooming across the lawn, practicing her zigzags and leaps, and then plopping herself down in some nook or cranny or other to have a little nap while I read. She’s a wonderful little bun. I can’t wait to see how she reacts when I get the garden going and everything starts growing like mad!
Happy Spring!
Lisa and Mabel (& Co.)”
September 14th, 2015 UPDATE
“Hi Ladybirds!
I just wanted to share some photos of Mabel with you. Today marks the one year anniversary of her coming to live with us, and I am so happy to have this happy, healthy, high-spirited little girl as part of our furry family. She has come so very far in a year – when she first came, I could barely even look at her without her dashing for the cover of the coffee table, but she has truly come a long way and is now a feisty, confident little bun with quite a strong personality. She is very happy here, and I am just overjoyed that she has come out of her shell. I love her dearly, and it seems the feeling is mutual. Thank you so much for rescuing Mabel and for allowing her to have a second chance at life. The thought that she would have been euthanized in a high-kill shelter if it weren’t for your wonderful organization just breaks my heart. She truly is a sweetheart, and like so many discarded animals, all she needed was a little love and TLC for her true personality to shine. We can’t thank you enough for saving her life!
Please enjoy these pictures of Mabel ‘in her element’ (namely, spending most of the day lazing about and bossing everyone around… ha ha)
Much love,
Lisa (and Mabel, Chicken, Frank, and Black Cat)“