* Dandelion found her forever home with a wonderful person! *
We rescued Dandelion from Hamilton Animal Control.
A few days before Dandelion came into the shelter, four other degus were found in an alleyway and brought to Hamilton Animal Control. They were all suffering from dehydration and were skeletal thin. Unfortunately, despite HAC’s best efforts, they didn’t survive. The next day, a citizen living in the same area where the degus were found, watched a child throw something into his garbage can, then walk away. The citizen investigated and found Dandelion inside. Dandelion was in almost as rough shape as the other four. She was brought to HAC and staff there helped her through the worst of her dehydration and got her eating. After a week or so, Dandelion was feeling better and was even running in her wheel. Ladybird rescued Dandelion from HAC and took her to the vet where she received a clean bill of health…other than still being a bit on the thin side, which is to be expected after all she’s been through.
A wonderful person saw Dandelion’s photo on our Facebook page. They had two female degus, one of who passed away a few months ago. They had been searching all that time to adopt another degu to keep theirs company, and then, there was our Dandelion! And guess what their current degu’s name is… Dandelion! So Dandelion junior and Dandelion senior will now be friends for life! Yay Dandelions!