We rescued Charlotte from Hamilton Animal Services. She spent a lovely life with her adopter before she passed away due to age and health issues.
This is a note from Charlotte’s adopter:
“Charlotte caught my eye immediately when I saw her at Ladybird. Given the short lifespan of rats, it always breaks my heart to think of them needing to live out their time in a shelter, and I immediately wanted to take the already older girl. She turned out to be one of the sweetest rats I have ever had. She was always content to just snuggle on a shoulder or in a lap, no matter who was holding her. She knew her name, would greet me at the door to her cage with licks, wanting to come out to be held. After unexpectedly getting sick two months ago, I took Char to the emergency vet, and after being put on oxygen and medication, she slowly got better. She eventually overcame her illness, but signs of aging were showing, and she started to get thinner, more frail, and her fur thinned. I am extremely sad to know she has now passed, but glad I was able to give her a love-filled last year, with both human and rat companionship. I will remember her always.”
– Christine, Hamilton