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Rat rescue

Someone dumped approximately 50 rats next to an unmanned hydro station in the country on Wednesday. A hydro worker happened to come by to do some work there on Thursday and called Hamilton Animal Control when he discovered them. Their cages were smashed and broken. Some of the rats were dead, likely frozen to death from the cold and wind…others had escaped. Some were climbing a nearby tree or running off into the fields. The animal control officer and the hydro employee worked very hard and spent a lot of time trying to catch every last rat they could find.

The rats were transported to HAC and the boys were separated from the girls. It’s not known if any of the females are pregnant, but the chances are high.

These poor rats are thin and dehydrated, but handleable and friendly. Some of these rats are “fancy” breeds, so it’s not likely their owner was breeding them to be feeder rats. Either way, abandoning them this way this was a cowardly and despicable thing to do. There is no understanding this kind of ignorance and cruelty.

The good news…another shelter took in all the boys, and we were able to rescue five girls today. We’re going to keep them in foster care until they have recovered from their ordeal, and until we know for sure that none of them are pregnant. They will be made available for adoption after that.

Names are coming soon, but these rats are rescues #7,8,9,10 and 11 in our “30 Rescues by Christmas” campaign. We’re hoping to rescue more of these sweet rats if we’re able.

You can donate to our “30 Rescues” campaign, or make a general donation here.

Thanks for your continued support!


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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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