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Ladybird Soiree

Frequently Asked Questions


Can’t find your donation receipts for the 2024 tax year? How did you donate in 2024?
Ladybird Online Form | CanadaHelps | Facebook or Instragram | Cash or Cheque

*please note that lottery and event ticket purchases are ineligible for charitable tax receipts.


Where is your sanctuary located?

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary does not currently have a physical location – we’re working on it. At the moment we operate as an outreach, rescue, foster and adoption network rather than a shelter facility.

There is an animal on your website I want to adopt. When will the animal be available?

The short answer is: “We don’t know.”

We only list our animals as available to adopt when we are confident they are in good health and ready for their forever home. Nobody wants to adopt a sick animal, or one that might fall ill shortly after being brought home. The well-being of our animals is our top priority. From their perspective, going through the stress of being in a shelter, visiting the vet, transitioning to a foster home (which is an unfamiliar environment), potential medication, surgeries, and follow-up vet visits can all have an impact on their well-being and compromise their immune system. Introducing them to another stressful change before they are fully prepared can potentially trigger underlying health issues. It is in the best interest of the animal to remain in their foster home until we are absolutely certain they are ready to embark on their new life.

Sometimes animals recover swiftly and can be listed as available for adoption within a couple of weeks after their rescue. However, other animals may require several months to address health or behaviour concerns before they are ready for adoption.

To ensure the best outcome for our animals and to be fair to potential adopters, we only designate them as “Available for Adoption” once our veterinarians have given their approval.

We understand that this may be frustrating for those interested in adopting, but it is in the best interest of everyone involved in the long run.

Is Ladybird Animal Sanctuary a not for profit or an official charity?

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is an official registered Canadian Charity; Registration Number: 815911318RR0001.

How can I get one of those awesome dog or cat t-shirts?

At our Etsy shop! Or you can get one of our t-shirts of tote bags at any of our Ladybird events or festival booths. Come by and say hi!


I can no longer keep my pet. I would like to surrender my pet to Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. How can I do this?

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary does not accept ‘owned’ or ‘stray’ animals at this time. Our main goal is to save animals from shelters where they will otherwise be euthanized. We currently cannot make exceptions to this policy. Please click here to see our list of Resources to find other shelters and rescues who may be able to provide assistance.

I can no longer keep my pet but I don’t want to surrender it to the Humane Society, Animal Control or a shelter. What are my options?

We encourage you to inquire amongst your friends and family. See if you can find a suitable home for your pet before attempting to contact shelters or rescues. Try posting a message on your Facebook page or other social media – ask your friends and family to re-post your plea. You my also contact your veterinarian for suggestions on what to do. Please click here to see our list of Resources to find other shelters and rescues who may be able to provide assistance.

Check out this article on re-homing your pet:
Finding A Responsible Home For Your Pet

There is a stray pet in my neighbourhood. Can you come and rescue him?

As much as we’d love to, unfortunately we can’t take in stray pets at this time. Here are the steps to take if you have found a pet:
– contact your local municipality’s animal services
– post in your local Lost & Found group on Facebook and on websites like Kijiji
– visit a vet clinic to have the animal scanned for a microchip
– put up flyers in your neighbourhood


I’ve never fostered before but am curious about it. Can you tell me what it entails and how I can foster for Ladybird Animal Sanctuary?

For information, on fostering, or to apply to become an Ladybird foster please visit our Foster page.

How much does it cost to foster an animal for Ladybird Animal Sanctuary?

Nothing! We cover all food, supplies and vet costs. You just provide the time, space and love your foster pet requires.

What if I get attached to my foster pet? Can I choose to adopt the pet forever?

If you are a good match for the pet, of course! We would be thrilled if one of our animals could find their forever home with you. But please keep in mind that for us, a good foster home is hard to find. Hopefully you’ll still want to foster animals in need for us – even after adopting a pet of your own.

I live in the United States. Can I foster for Ladybird Animal Sanctuary?

Not at this time, but please get in touch with your local shelter or rescue to inquire about fostering. There can never be enough foster homes, no matter where you live.

I live in a province other than Ontario. Can I foster for Ladybird Animal Sanctuary?

Currently Ladybird Animal Sanctuary maintains a local network solely within Southern Ontario and surrounding regions. Please inquire at your local shelter or rescue for fostering opportunities.


I have some pet toys and supplies that I would like to donate to Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. Where can I drop them off?

This is great!

Please contact us and we can arrange for pick up/drop off.
Please check out this page of our website to see our most needed items, and a list of things we are currently not accepting.
Thank you!

I would like to donate an item to a future silent auction or donation sale. Who should I speak to about this?

You’re the coolest! All donated items go a long way. Please contact us with your interest and we’ll arrange a pickup.

To learn if your donated gift will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt, please click here


Does Ladybird offer charitable tax receipts for monetary donations?

Yes! Donations to Ladybird are eligible for a charitable tax receipt for the amount donated. Ladybird requires the first name, last name and mailing address of the donor in order to issue a receipt in accordance with CRA guidelines. Please note: This does not apply to adoption fees, donation of pet supplies (without a valid purchase receipt), donated services (see details), corporate sponsorships (see details), or certain monetary donations where your Ladybird gift is of a certain value (ie. purchase of concert tickets or merchandise).

I donated to Ladybird online through the CanadaHelps website, but I haven’t received a receipt. How can I access my receipt(s)?

Thank you for your donation! When donating through CanadaHelps, you should receive your charitable tax receipt(s) automatically by email. Sometimes these types of messages can get stuck in your spam folder, depending on your email security settings. If you’re still unable to see your receipt(s), you can download your receipt(s) very easily, by visiting – Click Here.

I donated to Ladybird online through Facebook or Instragram, but I haven’t received a receipt. How can I access my receipt(s)?

Thank you for your donation! Details on how to access your receipt made through Facebook/Instagram via PayPal Giving Fund can be found here.

I donated to Ladybird with cash or cheque and still haven’t received my charitable tax receipt. How can I get one?

We appreciate your donation and apologize for the delay in getting your receipt! Physical donations (cheques and cash) take longer to process than making direct online donations. As a rule we always wait for cheque deposits to clear before issuing physical receipts. It’s also important that you include your First and Last Name or Company Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number (optional), and Email Address (optional), to ensure that your receipt is sent to the correct place. You should receive for donation receipt within three months of making your donation. If for some reason you still do not receive your receipt, please contact us.

I donated to Ladybird directly through Ladybird’s website donation page. How can I access my charitable tax receipt?

Thank you for your support! When you donate to Ladybird through our website donation form, Your payment will have been processed via either Paypal or Stripe commerce platforms, depending on your preference. You should automatically receive a charitable tax receipt via email. If you don’t see if right away, please check your spam folder as it may have ended up there. If an error was made when entering your email address, this may explain why you can’t find your receipt. If you’re unable to access your receipt in your email, please contact us, and we can send you a copy.

I donated to Ladybird multiple times over the year directly through Ladybird’s website donation page. Does Ladybird offer cumulative receipting?

When donating monthly on a regular basis, a donor has the option of requesting cumulative receipting at the time of initially setting up monthly donations. We can also adjust your receipting after the fact. We can also create a cumulative receipt for multiple donations made throughout a calendar year. If you’d like our help with this, please contact us.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt for Gifts in Kind donated?

Likely. If a receipt is being issued for a gift in kind (non-cash gift), it must reflect the fair market value of the gift. For more on this topic, please click here.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt for donated services?

Unfortunately no. Canadian Charitable Tax Law does not allow receipting to individuals or companies for donated services. For more on this topic, please click here.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt for sponsoring Ladybird rescue or event?

Sponsorship occurs when a business makes a donation toward the cost of a Ladybird activity or event and, in return, Ladybird advertises or promotes the business’ brand, products or services. If a business receives special recognition for its donation, or if it receives more than minimal recognition (for example, banners or advertising of products), this is considered sponsorship and is not eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

Sponsorship is an advantage and it is difficult, if not impossible, to calculate the value for sponsorship. When the value cannot be calculated, the charity cannot issue the business an official donation receipt. In this case, the business may choose to claim the donation as an advertising expense.

However, if a business receives the same level of recognition as all other donors, with no special treatment, and the recognition is minimal (for example, a simple acknowledgment), the Ladybird can issue the business a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of the donation.

For more on this topic, please click here.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt for purchasing tickets to attend a Ladybird fundraising event (ie. Ladybird Soiree)?

In most cases, based on charitable receipting rules set by Canada Revenue Agency, tickets purchased for Ladybird fundraising events will not qualify for charitable tax receipts. This is because the price points of the experiences we offer are typically priced at or near market value and would be considered more of a purchase than a donation. If an event occurs where the set ticket price for the event exceeds the fair market value, Ladybird will be sure to outline the breakdown in the event details, and patrons will be issued a charitable tax receipt for a percentage portion of their ticket purchases.

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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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