Age & grade: 11 years old starting grade 6 in the fall
Where I’m from: Hamilton
Hobbies & interests: gymnastics & horseback riding
What I did to become a youth ambassador: I helped kids make their own buttons at the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary Mother’s Day Fundraiser with my friend Leila and her mom.
Why I think the welfare of animals is a worthy cause: Cause animals are awesome.
Name: Leila
Age & grade: 12 years old starting grade 7 in the fall
Where I’m from: Moved from Sault Ste. Marie to Hamilton when i was 4.
Hobbies & interests: I’ve been horseback riding since i was 4 years old. I love all animals (even more than humans:)
What I did to become a youth ambassador: I helped kids make their own buttons at the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary Mother’s Day Fundraiser with my mom.
Why I think the welfare of animals is a worthy cause: Animals need us to help protect them…people are evil.
Any additional comments: Been a vegetarian since i was growing in my mom!