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Trying our best

For any animal rescue, this is a crappy time of year. “Kill shelters” are full to the brim with unwanted animals and the euthanasia days become more frequent because there are just too many coming in, and not enough room to keep them all. We are one of several organizations who rescue animals from Hamilton Animal Control, and we’re all trying our hardest to get as many as we can out of there. But it’s never enough. Even with multiple groups working so hard, there are still so many we can’t help…and that sucks.

There is much debate about why Hamilton Animal Control has such a high euthanasia rate. But the more important question is; how can we prevent animals from ending up there in the first place? Why do so many people get an animal and not have it fixed? Why aren’t animals considered a member of the family and kept for the life of the pet? Why are animals so easily discarded when the novelty wears off? And why aren’t preparations made with family or friends for an animal when their owner is hospitalized or passes away? Different circumstances bring animals into shelters. But what can we do to reduce the numbers…especially at this time of year?

Spaying and neutering your pet is such an important part of responsible pet ownership, but the message obviously isn’t getting through. Take a walk through Hamilton Animal Control today and you’ll see first hand proof. Cages full of un-neutered male cats, litters of kittens, mom cats with newborns, mom cats with older litters, single kittens, pregnant cats. It’s overwhelming, frustrating and sad. We do know that part of the problem comes down to money. The costs associated with taking your animal to the vet can be quite high. There are other options, but for Hamiltonians, they’re not the most convenient options…

*There isn’t a low-cost spay/neuter clinic in Hamilton that is open to the general public, but there is one run by the Hamilton SPCA that is for low-income households. You have to be under a certain annual income level, and fill out an application to qualify. This process can be a deterrent in itself.

* Ontario SPCA has three low-cost spay/neuter clinics that are open to everyone. The deterrent there is the distance from Hamilton. The recently opened St. Catharines clinic is the closest. Barrie and Newmarket are the other two. There is a waiting list, but the very low cost at these clinics definitely makes it worth the drive and the wait.

* Toronto Animal Services offers low-cost spay/neuter, but it is only available to residents of Toronto.

* Toronto Humane Society offers a spay/neuter clinic. Nothing on their website indicates that they don’t accommodate out-of-town pets. Pretty good option if there isn’t a long waiting list.

Hamilton desperately needs a low-cost clinic that is open to everyone, and that is easily accessible by car and public transit. But for now, if you know someone who has an animal that needs to be fixed, please send them to one of the clinics listed above.

Hamilton Animal Control was so full this past week that they turned away owned cats and stray cats. They sent a message to the rescues they work with to let them know more cats than usual would be euthanized because they were so full. Rescues worked hard to get lots of cats out. It will certainly help reduce the number who will die this week, but how will we do the same next week when they are full again?
Below are the cats we were able to rescue this week, and we’re working on more.
Want to help us save lives? Please apply to become a foster home. Or…adopt one of the animals we currently have in our care. It makes room for another life we can save when that foster home opens up. If you can’t help in those ways, please donate. We can only rescue animals because of the kindness of our supporters.

Ashley, Mulberry, Gwendolyn and Guinness are the lucky ones. Our hearts are broken for the ones left behind…


Mulberry & Gwendolyn


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P.O. Box 80005 RPO Concession
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 0A6

Ladybird Animal Sanctuary is a registered Canadian animal rescue charity dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk cats, dogs, small animals, birds and reptiles from high-volume shelters in Ontario and Quebec.

Registered Canadian Charity: 815911318RR0001

©2011 - 2025 Ladybird Animal Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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