Remember our little guinea pig Oscar?
He was neglected by his owners, then dumped at the Hamilton Animal Services shelter back in March. He had almost no use of his back legs, severe skin issues and he was underweight. The Ladybird Animal Sanctuary took Oscar from the shelter, got him some vet care, and placed him in a foster home.
Well…look at Oscar now!
The foster home did an amazing job! He’s been given proper nutrition since his rescue from the shelter and he has regained the full use of his back legs. His skin issues are long gone thanks to some vet care, and Oscar is now a happy, chubby, snuggly pig!
We couldn’t have done this without you! Thank you to Oscar’s wonderful foster home. Thank you to the vet who treated his skin problems. Thank you to the amazing people out there who have donated to the LAS. You helped us pay for Oscar’s food, supplies and vet care.
This is exactly why we started the LAS. To help animals just like Oscar who would otherwise be euthanized, when all they need and deserve is someone to give them a second chance for a good life.